Chapter 31. Rewritten.

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Thinking about you leaving me,
Breaks my heart,
That's why am gonna treasure,
Every minute I spend with you
And I cherish it forever.


Friday couldn't come early. Both men were excited to see each other, so badly they kept checking the time every passing second, and too bad, it wasn't moving any faster as they wanted it to. Kenny was nervous and excited at the same time. Every second he spends with Ethan is like a dream come true. He decided to leave work early so that he could prepare what he would need for the massages. When Ethan showed up, he found everything well-prepared and liked it so much but what made Ethan drool, was what Kenny was wearing.

The man had loose sweatpants on, showing off his v-line, and didn't bother to put anything to cover his muscular upper body which was glistening due to the oil the man had smeared all over his perfect body. Ethan drooled but control was a virtue in this case. He needed massages first. Kenny told Ethan to go have a bath which Ethan did without protest, after all, he needed to freshen up after the heretic day he had. Kenny had already prepared water in the tub, it was full of bubbles and it smelled like lemons which was a pleasant smell to Ethan's nose.

Ethan had a relaxing bath with soft music playing in the back ground. When he got out Kenny ordered him to lay on the massage table which Ethan did with a smile. Kenny was taking this massage thing on a high level but Ethan was in all for it and to experience this with Kenny felt so damn nice. After all, he was eager to know how Kenny's fingers would feel on his body.

A glass of cocktail was placed in front of him. Ethan couldn't help the warmth that filled his poor heart. He never knew Kenny could do something like this. Kenny started massaging him so slowly but surely. His touch was light like a feather, Ethan almost didn't feel his hands on him unless when he massaged some crumpled places that's when he felt those soft hands on his skin.

Cold Heart by Elton John was playing in the background which set the mood further.

Ethan felt his skin burn in every spot the man was touching. It was burning inside out like his body was catching fire. His hands were making magic on his skin no masseuse had ever made it like that. Ethan was moaning with every touch, it felt so good.

It lasted like one hour until he was done and Ethan felt like his body was his again. He had spent forever without going to the massage spa. "Thank you, I feel great," Ethan said breathlessly, wanting to sleep off. He sat up and looked at Kenny admiringly.

"Told you I know how to use my hands too," Kenny boosted smiling widely. This was the first time Ethan had seen Kenny smile like this at him and oh my God, it warmed his heart feeling insects run around his stomach. He has a really beautiful smile.

"Is there anything you're not good at," Ethan asked pulling Kenny so that they could sit on the bed.

"I'm good at everything," Kenny said kissing Ethan's cheek softly as he sat on his lap. "My grandmother taught me, she used to have cramps almost every day so I had to learn how to do it," Kenny said with light in his eyes.

"You loved her so much," Ethan carcasses his back softly passing his hands under the man's pants kneading his ass gently.

"Hmmm," Kenny replied pushing his lips to Ethan's forcibly wanting the man so bad. Ethan gasped at the roughness but capped Kenny's head tightly kissing him back roughly. Their tongues played together, teeth clashing as they ate each other's lips until they were bruised. Each took turns to taste the other. They made sure to explore everything in each other's mouths. Kenny pressed on Ethan's lap his ass directly at Ethan's already hardening cock making Ethan lose control.

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