Chapter 30. Rewritten.

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Without you am  nothing,
Without holding you in my arms am nothing,
Seeing your smile is the greatest pleasure of my life
That's what I will hold onto you forever,
And never let go.


They thought he would be in a foul mood the next day. Kenny loved his car so dearly, he used to call it Baby but then Mary had to destroy it. Every employee arrived at their post early in the morning the next day, not risking getting fired or yelled at but everyone was confused and surprised when the man walked into the building with a sparkle in his eyes not pissed or anything but just Kenny going to work as if he hadn't lost anything valuable.

He even greeted them before he walked to his elevator everyone was in shock, he wasn't scary like they thought he would be and what surprised everyone was when the cleaning lady accidentally poured some dirty water on his designer tailored suit Kenny just gave her a small smile and walked away without saying anything. The Lady thought she was going to be fired but the man even patted her shoulder and walked away without a word. His eyes said one thing, it's ok people to make mistakes.

That surprised and confused many when days passed by and Kenny still behaved like that. what people caught on was how the man is always on his phone these days. Texting or on the call and they don't miss the way his eyes always sparkle in delight or how his mouth twitches as if he wants to smile whenever he talks or texts.

Rumors were trailing around how Kenny was waiting for the perfect moment to shout at them so everyone was on high alert but it's now eight days and nothing had happened. And when he called for the meeting, many thought it was time to get it but Kenny's mind was on his phone texting away. He didn't share anything or shout at them. He simply agreed to the few things which needed it be changed without yelling or anything. When the meeting was done, he called the person who, uploaded the video of Mary smashing his car and warned her to never do that again. She was surprised that's all she got. Everyone was confused especially his friends.

Ron and Michael thought he would throw a fit and had to calm him down. They had come prepared for a week but Kenny didn't once seek for his ball or throw a fit like they expected him to. They didn't expect him to behave like that, Kenny kept himself inside the office until late at night when Mary left that day and Sarah had to clean up the broken glasses and the papers he threw around in anger. she thought she would be cleaning up the next days too knowing her boss would be in a foul mood but none of that happened. Kenny didn't do what was expected.

What they didn't know was that Kenny was on cloud nine. He doesn't even remember the last day he was this happy in his life,  Ethan makes him whole. Being with the man feels so fucken good he forgets what was happening. He was on his phone earbuds plugged in as he listened to Ethan who was on a certain interview on the radio. Just hearing him talk makes his whole body shiver and his mind takes him back to what they did weeks ag....when his friends interpreted him. Ethan's voice sounded like music in his ears "Dude are you okay," Ron had to ask putting down his fork. It was Thursday and They were having lunch but they didn't understand or get Kenny. They needed to know if he was ok.

Kenny who was invested in what Ethan was saying pulled one of his earbuds out and looked at Ron with confused eyes. "Talking to me," he asked eager to listen more of what Ethan was saying. Even if you ask him what the man was saying or what topic they were on, Kenny will not answer that question coz he is more interested in listening to that voice that sends chills down his spine.

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