Chapter 24- Rewritten

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Whenever you are around
I can never take my eyes
Off of you.


The more he pictures himself on his knees in that fucken bathroom, the more he remembers how much he liked Ethan's brutal thrusting deep in his throat, the more he hated the man. The more he recalls how much he enjoyed sucking a dick, the more he loves Ethan calling him baby, the way Ethan commands him like a fucken bitch. Kenny hates it all. He was no one's bitch. The more he remembers all, the more he loathes himself

How could he beg to suck a dick and moreover Ethan's dick? The man he hates with all his soul.

Kenny wasn't a dick sucker, he wasn't like that but the more he comes close to Ethan he becomes the very thing he hates more than life itself. Now Kenny remembers why he hated the man all those years but why did he accept Ethan's offer? Why didn't he refuse and leave it like that? Why didn't he stop the man from touching him or kissing him? He wasn't obligated to please Ethan, he had to hate the man not going on his knees and sucking the brains out of him and liking it.

He can't believe he even swallowed those disgusting things. He still feels it deep in his throat floating like a fish in the sea. Why did Kenny even do that, was he that hungry he couldn't think when Ethan was there. So disgusting, every time he thinks about it he gags and wants to pull them out from his throat so that he can't taste it but why does his body tremble and his cock come to life whenever he thinks about Ethan's hot seed in his mouth?

The way he licked it off his lips, the way Ethan held him in those warm muscular arms. The way they kissed passionately like they were something made him want more. The way Kenny marked him like he was fucken his, makes him hate himself more. For years he had controlled his sickness, he tried to erase all the dirty thoughts he had for the man but now that he had tasted him, he had seen the way Ethan acts when pleasure hits him fully, it's so fucken hot Kenny couldn't take the image out of his head.

He sighed deeply squeezing the paper he was reading tightly feeling anger bubbling in his body. How could he give in like that? How could he let Ethan treat him like that and let him touch him like that? What was Kenny thinking? The next time he sees the man, Kenny is going to make sure to punch him square in the face. He really hates this arrangement.

"Kenny, are you okay," He looked over at his friends and nodded pulling the drawer that held his squeeze ball and squeezed it tightly "Is it about the business party in Arizona," Ron asked worried. "If you don't want to go, don't. I and Micheal will fill in for you,"

"It is important and I want to meet new people, it's good for our company's image," it was a business conference, and all the successful businesswomen and men were going to gather in the same place to discuss different things. Kenny can't miss an opportunity to meet his idols and to represent his company.

"You know he is going to be there right," Micheal says as if Kenny didn't know about that fact. Kenny glared at him and if looks could kill, Micheal would be six feet under. "You don't like him but you saved him from dying in the forest," Micheal snorted.

"I'm not a killer you motherfucker," Kenny replied squeezing his ball not wanting to recall that horrible experience.

"You would have left him and died on his own, then you wouldn't feel guilty," Micheal said nonchalantly.

"Micheal, you heartless bitch," Ron scolded.

"I'm tired of him scowling at us when he had a chance to get rid of him," Micheal retorted rolling his eyes at his best friend.

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