Chapter 4- Rewritten

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I'm done with tears
I'm wiping my eyes,
If he doesn't care then
Why should I?


Ethan woke up feeling great the next day, he had better sleep than he thought he would after what happened yesterday. It turned out that if he blacks out the idiot, he gets a good sleep. Ethan yawned, stretching his aching bones. Today was a new day, and new things were yet to come. Ethan searched for his phone on the nightstand but when he didn't see it, it hit him. Memories of what he did last night came crashing back and the evidence was looking at him on the floor. Anger built up again "Who do you think you are you wasted piece of shit" Ethan voiced to himself again glaring at the pieces of his phone.

He wanted to murder the man so badly, that his stomach turned around at the thought.

He pulled his soft fabric sheets over his head and shouted in anger, a single tear spilling out, wetting his pillow, Why was he feeling like this Ethan didn't understand why he wasted his tears on a man who didn't deserve it. Why is he even wasting his tears on a stupid man...that he doesn't know? Why does his stomach turn up in knots and feels this rage deep inside that he can't control the tears from coming out? Thinking of the bastard planning or spending the night with the red-haired which Ethan knew was impossible coz he knew the man don't spend nights with his sluts, last night was the first, Kenny did it and it upsets him. Why does it, Ethan would be lying if he told you that he knows the reason.

But like any other day, he asks himself the same thing, and he comes to a conclusion, the same one which fits all of this. He hates the man it is sickening. The man was planning to sabotage him. That's the only logic, there wasn't anything else yet Ethan couldn't help but think there might be something else, deep inside he knew but what. No matter how many times he checked his smart-ass brain, there wasn't anything.

Ethan got out of his bed, went to his bathroom, and looked at the big mirror that hung on the wall Seeing how swollen and red his eyes were due to crying, he flushed water into his face calming himself down as he turned on the shower heating the water up, Ethan's bathroom was huge and spacious. He picked up the soap and started scrubbing his smooth body all the arching muscles relaxing. He brushed his teeth and got out with a towel wrapped around his waist loosely, while he dried his hair with the small one, Before he could walk to his closet, Someone knocked on his door. Ethan heaved a sigh opening the door to his grinning mother.

"Morning Mom, What is it," he asked

"Andrea is on the phone, She said yours is off, Is everything alright," Rose asked her heart breaking seeing how depressed he was.

"Tell her I will be at the office in ten," Ethan replied ignoring his mother's concern. He was a grown-up ass man, he could take care of his shit. Rose nodded seeing that Ethan was not ready to tell her and left. Rose walked back to her bedroom informing Andrea what Ethan had said. Rose walked to her husband helping him to cuff his shirt as she looked in the man's eyes lovingly. The man was still handsome and gorgeous despite of aging over the years. She went and slug her hands over Shawn's waist pressing a sweet kiss on his neck.

"Hey babe, how are you this fine morning," Shawn smiled kissing her on the cheek and tickling her on the neck softly, making her squeak.

"I'm okay honey I need to talk to you about Ethan," Rose walked towards the bed plopping down and looking at her husband worriedly.

"What about him," Shawn asked confused at his wife's seriousness.

"Something is bothering him and don't know where to start, he seems distant" she sighed "Can you please talk to him please," she looked at him hopefully. This might be a man thing and Ethan is scared to tell her but Shawn can try.

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