Chapter 9- Rewritten.

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If you continuously compete with others,
You become bitter but
If you continuously compete with yourself
You become better.


It was closing to morning hours and Kenny couldn't close his eyes for even a second. He was scared that if he closed them, he would wake up with an empty cabin. He doesn't know why he was concerned for Ethan but his heart couldn't settle, Ethan was in trouble, and Kenny needed to save him no matter the cost. He forced his phone to work for at least one second so he could inform the police but the thing couldn't even light up.

Kenny kept looking inside the cabin looking for ways to get Ethan out of there without breaking a sweat. He waited for the crazy kid to sleep but damn, he was looking at Ethan creepily making Kenny shiver in disgust.

"What's wrong babe," Kenny looked at the small wooden bed, Ethan sat up clutching his head painfully. Kenny kept watching patiently to see what Ethan was going to do.

"I want to pee," Ethan tiredly said feeling like his head was about to fall off, he didn't acknowledge where he was, he just wanted to pee and go back to sleep, he was so fucken tired and his head was killing him. Seth positioned a small white bucket between Ethan's legs helping him to pull out his manhood and Ethan didn't think too much of it as he let go and peed emptying his bladder.

Ethan put back his privates looking up at Seth and looked around in a trance.

"Who are you," he asked in confusion "Where am I," Ethan questioned trying to stand up but his legs buckled sitting back down, he was weak and his head aches so bad  fuck.

"Ethan baby take this medicine It will help with your headache," Seth gave him Advil which he welcomed with open arms throwing it into his mouth as he looked at the smiling figure in front of him whom he didn't know and asked again.

"Who are you," he questioned with a furrowed brow but he instantly felt sleepy, it was like he was dragged.

"Just go back to sleep," Seth pushed him down with a big smile and Ethan saw dark spots flowing through his eyelids he couldn't make out what was happening and passed out again.

Kenny who was busy watching the whole scene scoffed inwardly thinking, Was the man so drunk he lost his senses? Kenny thought sitting down on the wood raking his brain to think. This was on him, he needed to get Ethan out and himself unscratched.

Kenny hated himself more at this moment, he always pictured Ethan's corpse but now the man might die or he might get shipped to Mexico for good but he was here thinking of helping him out. He should be drinking in celebration. His dick must be inside a wet sweet pussy fucking it so hard but he was here seated on a wooden stick, outside a small cabin in a place he even didn't know calculating how to help his rival.

In all people, Ethan fucken Hurt.

He hated himself for this and if his plan worked out, Ethan must sign an NDA coz if people find out, shame would fill his whole being.


Kenny didn't know that he had dozed off until an angry voice woke him up. He almost fell over at how loud, deep, and angry it was. He looked at his watch and it was 12 in the afternoon, Kenny widened his eyes, time really moved first. He slowly leaned over the window peeking through...

"You kidnapped me," Ethan spat out in anger trying to pull his hands free but the boy had tied them tightly.

"I didn't want us to meet this way but you made everything difficult," Seth said still smiling widely.

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