Chapter 68. Rewritten

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I love you not because of who you are,
But because of who I am
When I'm with you.


Kenny sat up in bed and groaned at how cold he felt when he remembered correctly that he had gone to bed with the love of his life. He opened his eyes looking around the room in search of Ethan. He saw the man standing on the balcony engrossed with his phone and furrowing his brows tightly. Kenny threw the covers away and pulled on his boxers loving the slight pain he felt at his lower back. He smiled as he recalled how they messed around yesterday.

Ethan was really a beast and he liked it so much. With Kenny's libido, they match perfectly. 

With a big smile on his lips, he walks up to Ethan and slings his arms around the man who jumps up a little not expecting him. "I hate waking up alone," he whispers kissing Ethan's shoulder softly. He inhaled deeply relaxing in the man's warm body. "Next time wake me up," he said gruffly

"It looked like you needed your beauty sleep," Ethan said kissing his cheek.

"I need it with you by my side, you warm up the bed to my heart's content," Kenny whispered hands roaming around Ethan's torso.

"Then next I will do better,"

"I would love that," Kenny nibbled on his neck softly
"Umm, I love your smell. So delicious," Kenny said inhaling the man's scent again. It drove him crazy. Ethan hummed rocking against Kenny loving the man's arms around him. He likes it when Kenny holds him like this.

"Who is texting," Ethan tensed up instantly and it didn't go unnoticed by Kenny.

"Um my friends," Ethan replied lowly

"Mmmm," Kenny just pushed his already hard dick against the back side of Ethan's ass. "Should I be worried," he asked placing loving kisses around Ethan's back.

"Um...Aaaa," Ethan let out a strangled breath "No," he finally made coherent words.

"You don't sound convincing baby, are they against our love," Kenny passed his hand over Ethan's abs making Ethan's breath hitch in his throat.

"No," Ethan felt his body on fire. Kenny's touch always drives him nuts.

"Now why are you all tensed up," Kenny whispered in his ear pulling on his earlobe softly.

"We a-are at the front p-page of...," Ethan was breathing hard. Kenny was torturing him with only his touch and Ethan was dying.

"We are celebrities, of course, we should be on the front page," Kenny let out a deep laugh which made Ethan shiver and make his blood run hot.

"I'm scared," Ethan let out a strangled moan when Kenny pulled on his nipples.


"You are not gonna like what they are saying about us," Ethan tried to let out.

"I don't care," Kenny turned him around and kissed him passionately, nibbling and pulling on his lower lips. "All I care about is you being here right now," Kenny looked him in the eye declaring.

"For years you've been scared of this," Ethan bit his lips. "It's natural for me to be scared Kenny, you might leave me for this again I can't handle..." Kenny shut him up before he could rumble on by pressing his swollen lips to his in a deep passionate loving kiss which left both of them panting.

"Listen to me Ethan Hurt," Kenny said his eyes looking into Ethan's "I have been scared all my life and I almost lost you. This time I'm choosing you over the people who don't even know shit about me. I'm still scared yes, I won't lie but Ethan, with you I know everything will be better," Kenny said with sincerity. "I love you no need to be scared baby, I'm already yours," Kenny smiled sweetly. Ethan pulled him into a tight hug letting out a breath of relief.

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