Chapter 69. Rewritten

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I'm better when I'm with you.
All my worries disappear.
I love you endlessly.


"Ethan for the last time we are not painting our room green," Kenny said clambering into his car.

"And you think black and red is better," Ethan clambered in the passenger seat glaring at Kenny.

"It's better than green," Kenny put his hand on his forehead. "Let's pick another color, maybe orange, or grey or purple-blue, or white but definitely not green," Kenny said so done with this. For days they had been arguing about this same thing and he was so over with it. He couldn't believe that now he had to consider Ethan's opinion to do things. He hates that part.

"Green is my favorite color and it will look good. It always looks good,"

"We will talk about this when we finally get the house, I'm so done with it," Kenny gave up starting the car. Ethan snorted rolling his eyes as he looked out of the window so done with it too. Why is it so hard to agree on the mere color to paint their house?

They both sulked while Kenny drove them to Ethan's house no one was giving in. Kenny parked the car outside Ethan's mansion but no one made a single move. Minutes passed with them being stubborn. It's just a color why was it even important? They both looked at each other, and they burst out laughing. This was stupid and they were making it a big deal.

"I don't want to fight with you Ethan," Kenny said after coming down from their laughter.

"Me neither," Ethan muttered taking a deep breath.

"Can we forget it for now and wait for the agent to contact us then we will see what we can do," Kenny suggested.

"Yeah," Ethan held Kenny's hand. "We are acting like babies but what I know is no matter what color is in the house as long as I'm with you it doesn't matter. You're my home, no matter how bad it is?" Ethan said with a smile holding Kenny's hand.

"You're right," Kenny agreed leaning in so that he could kiss his boyfriend who found him halfway. "As long as I'm sleeping and waking up next to you, that's all I want," Kenny muttered between their mouths and kissed again until they couldn't breathe anymore.

"Let's go," Ethan whispered between their lips so hot all eyes hazy with lust and desire. Ethan doesn't know if a day would come and never desire the man. It seems impossible. Ethan will always want and lust over the man. As they walked towards his house, holding hands that fit perfectly, Ethan knew that he really found his true love and his future. This is what he had been waiting for all his life and he will treasure Kenny for the rest of his life.


Two weeks had passed ever since Kenny came out to the whole world. They were the center of attention and were on the front page of the newspapers and magazines, name it they were all over it almost every day. People talk and talk. Some were good words and others were slur words that made Kenny want to vomit his guts out when he read them but Ethan was there every step away, comforting him, assuring him that everything would be better which was better. When Kenny told Ethan about his granny, Ethan cried and told Kenny not to believe the words she said. Which is hard but somehow Kenny is trying.

Because of Ethan, Kenny had somehow grown confident in who he was. He still doesn't want to put a label on himself which Ethan said was fine. It's funny how his life has changed so much, now he is so dependent on Ethan, and Kenny loves being dependent on him. He wasn't anxious when Ethan kissed him in front of people or when he held his hand. He loves them all.

Ethan was his rock.

Kenny met Ethan's friend a week ago and they accepted him. Kenny made sure Ethan met his friends too and now they are a group of friends who hang out every weekend to drink, eat, and dance. They get along so well with each other it's like they have been friends all their lives.

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