Chapter 67. Rewritten.

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I don't need anyone's attention
Yours is enough for me.


Kenny wanted to shout out at his stupidity. He wanted to turn back time and not be stupid to go on live TV and declare his unending love for Ethan like a fucken schoolboy in fucken love. Kenny was freaking out inside. He wants to crawl under the bed and hide forever and never show his face again to the world. He had never felt so ashamed and embarrassed as he was this fucking minute.

He would have waited for Ethan to finish that interview, he should have waited when they were in a secure room and declare his undying love to the man when they were out of people's eyes but he couldn't wait. Hell, for the life of him, he couldn't wait when he heard Helena ask Ethan that question. It kinda ticked him off,

Seeing Ethan sad, emotions on that beautiful face made Kenny not think of the consequences. He acted on the impulse which had never happened in his life. Kenny thinks of everything he is going to do before he does it. But today of all days, he just didn't think. He acted like a high school boy with a crush wanting to save his boyfriend from the harsh questions that were being thrown at him. At that moment all Kenny thought about was Ethan, he always never thinks when it comes to the man. Was Ethan's love he felt so deep within him he wasn't thinking anymore? All he wanted was to see the man smile and he couldn't hold it anymore.

Before he knew it, Kenny was in front of Ethan. He was frecking out, he was ashamed but at that moment he didn't care. All his focus was on the man in front of him, all he thought about was Ethan and nothing else and when he kissed the fucker in the car, Kenny knew he never made a wise decision in his life until today. He knew whatever happened, as long as he was with Ethan, everything would be fine.

As he watched the man pay for their room gracefully, Kenny couldn't keep his eyes off him. The more he looks at him, the more he is convinced that he was stupid to even let him go. Ethan wore a black fitted suit which hugged his ass in all the right places. His hair was a mess and Kenny liked it that way. Those blue eyes which were still in shock made Kenny shiver slightly. That sharp jaw, those soft lips which Kenny can't wait to kiss taste them again. Kenny falls in love with just looking at him like this. Suddenly Kenny was back at high school and started recalling how he used to gaze at the man like that.

How his mouth water whenever he looked at the man?

The longing and desperation were all he felt.

Its like Kenny is getting dejvu. He couldn't take his eyes off the man when he first saw him and this time around, Kenny feels exactly the same way. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't. Even though this time Ethan is much older... beautifully aged if Kenny can add, but still the same. He was mesmerized by his looks since the beginning and today is no better. Kenny can't believe he is still mesmerized and is affected by the man.

How did he even ever let go of him in the first place? How did he even live all these years without this man in his life?

"Stop looking at me like that," Ethan said as they rode up to their room. That gaze is making Ethan so hot. He had noticed how Kenny was looking at him since they got out of the car. It's like the man wants to eat him and swallow him whole. Which Ethan can accept as long as Kenny does the eating.

"You're so beautiful," Kenny said breathlessly. "You always leave me breathless. It's like I went back to high school when I laid my eyes on you. I was enchanted and bewitched by your beauty I couldn't look away. Like now, no matter how much I'm trying to avert my eyes, I can't. You're mesmerizing handsome," Kenny said as if in a trance. He was looking at Ethan with sincerity and love and it was at this moment that Ethan saw through Kenny James Knight. All the walls were down and Ethan could read him like a book.

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