Chapter 5- Rewritten

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90percent of what is considered impossible
Is infact possible,
The other 10 percent will become,
Possible with the passage of time.

Sexual content ahead.


The next day Ethan gave his private investigator a night off, it's not that he was scared of the motherfucker but he was scared he would put his investigator in trouble, the man had a family to take care of. Kenny had power, if he puts him away, he was sure the basterd would do everything in his power to lock the man up forever. Ethan could make sure to get him out but he knows Kenny, and he will use it against him.

After all, Ethan didn't want to know anything about the man today. Tomorrow was a weekend, he needed to relax since everything was going according to plan. He trailed the glass of wine around looking outstand his balcony and remembered what he did to his brother yesterday.

He quickly downed his drink and moved to Jimmy's room. He knocked softly and Jimmy shouted for him to come in. "Hey big brother what's up," Jimmy said pulling on his tight jeans

"Going somewhere," Ethan asked eyebrows up. It was nine in the evening where could his brother be going? Stupid question, of course, party but Ethan wanted to start from somewhere.

"Yeah," Jimmy replies not looking at him.

"At this hour," Ethan muttered.

"What brings you here Ethan," Jimmy asked pulling on his shoes, he seemed to be in a hurry.

"I came to apologize for the other day,
I had a shitty night. I'm sorry for the way I acted," Ethan apologized sitting on the stool near the bed "I shouldn't have rushed at you like that I'm really sorry"

"Hell you shouldn't, what's wrong with you these days, you seem to be upset all the time," Jimmy asked

"It's nothing, just stress from work," Ethan sighed

"With or without the trophy, you will always be the best designer in the whole of North Carolina... hell in the whole world," Jimmy knew his brother more than Ethan thought. He knew what was bothering him, he remembered the way he looked last year when his name wasn't mentioned but to him, his brother was the best, no one could beat that.

"Where are you going It's late you know" Ethan changed the subject, he didn't want to talk about that now.

"To a party, a friend of mine from college is hosting in his grand mansion," Jimmy replied.

"Did you tell mum,"

"She knows Ethan, don't change the subject, We are talking about you," Jimmy asked.

"It's just work I promise and you know if there is something, you're the first person I run to," he assured "I'm really sorry J, I was an ass" Jimmy nodded letting it go.

"It's fine...sometimes I can be an ass," he chuckled "By the way it's getting late I have to go. Hung in there big brother," Jimmy gave Ethan a kiss on the cheek and then rushed out. Ethan Chuckled lowly nodding his head at his crazy brother. He walked out of Jimmy's room and went back to his going straight to work. Tomorrow he has a party to attend in the evening, so he may not have time to finish all the work not knowing that things will go down tomorrow.


On the other side of the city, a big mansion was filled with disco lights and ear-killing music and teenagers drinking their lives away. They were grinding at each other, kissing, touching, sweating and drinking. They seemed to be having the life of their lives at that moment like they didn't have a care in the world.

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