Chapter 40. Rewritten

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The best decision I made is,
Choosing you baby,
You are perfect for me boy
Only you.

Mentions of suicide. Be warned.


Paul was at his house doing his work when two police officers showed up at his door and cuffed him after confirming that he was Paul Greyson Knight. Paul was shocked he didn't have an ounce in him to fight or resist. He was frozen and confused, he blacked out for almost a few minutes. Paul wasn't a criminal. The first time he interacted with police officers was when he found his mother hung up on the ceiling fan and went in for questions and that was years ago. At that age, they terrified him so much that, over the years Paul had made sure to abide with the authorities from that day onwards coz he didn't want to interact with them ever again.

They scared the shit out of them with questions and those unhappy faces. 

For years it has always been like that. He never steals anyone, he doesnt have bad blood with absolutely anyone and he pays taxes. So why was Paul being taken to the police station for not paying taxes. Paul is confused and at the same time confident coz he was true to his word. "Sir, I have all the records in my office. You're making a very big mistake," Paul tried to reason looking at the cuffs on his hands.

"You will tell that to the judge. As per now please can you keep quite," one of the police woman said softly but she seemed to be nervous about something which Paul noticed and started to get suspicious. Was he being kidnapped?

"I need to call my lawyer," Paul insisted seriously.

"You will at the station coz trust me, you need one," the other policeman said with a big grin. Paul suck into the back seat knowing that no matter what he says they won't listen to him and they are also following orders.  He couldn't help for his mind to start flashing back in places he didn't want to:

He was just twelve years old when he sat in the same seat he was in now. That time he wasn't cuffed like he was today but for some reason, it felt like Deja Vu. Sitting there and asking the police officers if his mother would be ok. If he will be ok.

"Is she ok," young Paul asked with tears streaming down his eyes. Too scared.

"Wait until we reach the station boy," the policeman replied nonchalantly as if what had happened was his fault. He looked scary and Paul did not like him at all.

"You took her at the station," Paul frowned asking,

"Yes," this time another policeman replied.

"Why," Paul was confused and innocent. He had never seen a dead body before so when he called 911, he was sure his mother needed to go to the hospital, not the station. Her neck was twisted and red.  She was sick until he found out the hard truth.

"You will see when we reach the police station," and what he found at the station made him never want to call the police again he had made sure to stay out of trouble for years coz he didn't want to experience what had happened before to experience it again.

Paul even shivered at the thought. He was a grown-up man now and he knows better but that image of his mother never left his brain until now. How can you forget the woman whom you loved with all your being hung up on the ceiling fan? He makes sure to not think about it but sometimes... "Where are you taking me," when he snapped his eyes out of the window he saw that they weren't going to the station rather another unknown road. The police officers looked at each other and no one replied to him as they continued to drive through the quiet street.  "Who are you people," Paul's suspicion was now clear as day. The officers didn't reply. They just parked the car in front of a big building and they got out without another word.

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