Chapter 25. Rewritten.

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Am shaking all over,
I want to back down,
But my heart is whispering
Not to turn around.


"Molly, we should get a divorce," Paul said the words he had been singing for years now. Whenever he gets a chance to see Molly, he tries to beg the lady for a separation. He enters the room and finds the woman comfortably seated in the dressing mirror seeming to be going somewhere. She turned around with her massacre, in the process of putting it on as She eyed Paul up and down with her plump red lips.

"You know the drill Paul, fifty percent and I will sign," she turned around and started applying massacre.

"Ten percent Molly," Paul bargained again.

"Dont be plain stupid Paul. I have been here for years, ruined my figure, and gave you a son, I stopped school because of you and that's all you want to give me. You have a nerve," Molly rolled her eyes.

"Let's be realistic Molly, I have taken care of you for years now. You give your lovers my money, you go to prison and I bail you out every time, don't you think that's enough," Paul reasoned. With every passing second and he is still married to this woman feels like his life doesn't have a meaning. He was fadeup of her. If it wasn't for Kenny to bail her out these past days in Manhattan, Paul would have been willing to let the woman rot in there forever.

"It's not fucken enough," she yelled making Paul cover his ears at the sudden outburst. She stood up and stepped in front of him. "I would be someone in life if it wasn't for you?" She pointed a finger at him. Paul sighed and stood up wanting to leave the woman coz he wasn't ready for this. This was the same every time and he was tired of listening to this bullshit. "If you want me to sign, I need fifty percent, this fucken house and three cars. I'm not walking out of here empty-handed," Paul just looked at her for a few seconds before he walked out.

He clambered in his car and drove off wanting to be so far away from her before he did something he would regret later. He went to the nearest bar and downed a glass of scotch wanting to calm himself down.

Paul regrets ever marrying Molly. That was the biggest regret of his life. She's so greedy it hurts.

Paul had worked so hard in this life to get where he was now. He can't just hand over what he had suffered to build for other dudes' enjoyment. Molly is the kind of woman who provides for her lovers. She buys them expensive things like cars, clothes, and watches, and rents expensive hotels until Paul dedicated money from her allowance. What hurt was that she didn't want to work, she just spends his money.

If she thinks Paul is going to hand over half of his assets to her and enjoy with her lovers then she's fucken wrong. They will stay married until the end and Paul will make sure she doesn't take a dime. Yes, she gave birth and Paul appreciates that so much. he got a wonderful son out of it but what did Molly do?

After she gave birth she ignored the baby, spending all her time in the mirror trying to look good. Paul doesn't even count a day where Molly held their son. It was only Paul who took care of him while Molly was there whoring around. Paul struggled greatly with Kenny until where Kenny didn't need him anymore. Molly didn't do a fucken thing, she never did what mothers do for their kids.

She was never a mother.

Now all she does is drink, party, and whore around. Going in prison for public indecency or harassment. Paul was tired of them all. The woman was crazy and...

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