Chapter 50. Rewritten

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Love is so painful yet is something
Precious to experience.


Paul was a shaking mess. For a few minutes, he didn't know if he was breathing or not. Paul would be lying if he said he was ready for this confrontation. He wasn't fucken ready and he never thought he would have been ready for this. He feared Kenny, but this man standing in front of him was much worse than Kenny. Gazing into Shawn's eyes, said it all. The man was here to cut him open. Paul didn't even notice the way Shawn pushed him out of the door and invited himself in. He was frozen not knowing what to do. He thought about running but he couldn't move his legs no matter what.

"Close the door," Shawn's voice was tight and rough as he spoke. Paul inhaled deeply still contemplating running for his life or staying and tasting the wrath of this man. Paul chose the litter, he was going to face this man. For Jimmy, for their love. "Go put on something, your nakedness is hurting my eyes," Paul gasped when he looked at himself. He was wearing just boxers and a vest. He forced his legs to move and went upstairs, his body still shaking. He pulled on his sweatpants and shirt in a hurry and picked up his phone contemplating to call the younger. Paul thought against it, Jimmy was probably in his test and it was important. He decided to face this on his own.

With one deep sigh, he walked downstairs. His heart was beating at the highest speed in history. He was so scared.

"I thought sugar daddies are supposed to cater to their sugar babies," That was the first thing Shawn said when Paul cascaded downstairs. Paul was confused for a few seconds until he understood what the man meant by that.


"How long have you been harassing my son," Shawn cut Paul off pushing him against the door in anger. Paul arched his back in pain but swallowed it down closing his eyes and waiting for the man to hit him which never came. "You're a granny for god's sake," Shawn was ticking. Paul squeezed his eyes tightly waiting to be punched but again it never came. Shawn loosened his hold on him and stepped back breathing so hard in anger. He walked slowly to the couch and sat down with hands shaking as he looked at the scared Paul.

Such a pussy.

Shawn muttered under his breath as he weighted down Paul like a piece of shit. Shawn looked down at his hands trying so hard to calm down. When Phil told him about this, he couldn't believe it. Of all the people that Jimmy could have chosen, it had to be this old man. Kenny James Knight's father. What will people think, most especially, how will Ethan feel when he finds out about this ridiculous tangle? Shawn can't stomach the fact that this man is sleeping with his 22-year-old son. "Take a sit," he said lowly after he calmed down a little. Paul walked slowly to the opposite side of the couch and sat on the edge so uncomfortable but it was the least of his worry.

"How long have you been seeing my son," Shawn asked softly.

"Three months," Paul replied in a small voice.

"Three months of harassing my son," Paul hated that word. He felt the same when he slept with Jimmy the first time and he has come to accept the fact that he wasn't harassing him. Everything they do, Jimmy likes it and most of the time he initiated. Now Shawn had to come and throw it in his face like this. Paul started feeling bad about it, like the first time he slept with him.

"I didn't harass him," he defended himself.

"Then how do you call a 50-year-old sleeping with a 20-year-old," Shawn arched his eyebrows up. "You're old to be his grandfather. You have a 29-year-old son. Fuck," Shawn raised his voice in annoyance. "Does your son know," Paul shook his head slowly. "Of course, he doesn't know, he wouldn't have allowed this nonsense," hearing Shawn say it like that. Now Paul was back to square one. Shawn passed a hand through his gray hair in frustration. "What do you think he will feel? Your son hates my son, and you're sleeping with the youngest of the enemy. What do you think will your son think of you," Shawn asked the same question Paul had started asking himself "pervert, that's what your son will say," Paul felt his heartbreak. It was bleeding and crying a river.

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