Chapter 46. Rewritten

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It amazes me that you've seen me
At my best and my worst
And you love me anyway that's why,
You will always be my warmth when I am cold,
I will always run to you.

First, read chapter 45 before this.?

Double updates.


Kenny loved the award shows, simply because it's the day when he gets to meet his favorite actors and actresses and gets a chance to dress a few of them. Most especially he interacts with them and makes them promote his new line. Who better than famous actresses and actors to promote your new designs Kenny wore a designer suit designed and made by him himself. He looked spectacular and fabulous that's why the host made him pose for the pictures a hundred times. This was the best promotion he could ask for. Kenny posed for pictures until he couldn't take it anymore.

The host asked him some questions and as usual they were all about Ethan, what would he do if Ethan won this award? For the first time in forever, he didn't feel like talking about Ethan. But again for the first time in years? Kenny didn't give a shit about who wins or loses. He has been winning for five years what was the harm when Ethan won this year? It's nothing. He is way past that. He doesn't care for real. And this was the first time someone mentioned Ethan'a name and he doesn't feel like beating the shit outta them.

All he got this time were tingles that ran down his spine at the mention of that name. Kenny resisted smiling. His mind and heart were so happy he fought so hard to keep that smile from pulling on his lips. He was in public after all, he had to pretend he hated the man, not the other way around. After the longest interview of his life, Kenny got to enter inside passing by Ethan who just arrived. it took all his willpower to not pull the man against him and hug the living hell outta of him.

Instead, Kenny glared at the man and passed by him. Kenny cursed under his breath when a whip of Ethan's perfume hit his nostrils. Damn, he needs his boyfriend, he smells nice. Just the thought of knowing the fact Ethan is his boyfriend makes his whole body shiver in anticipation. He never knew that a day would come and be Ethan's boyfriend and not freak out about it.

Kenny got to sit with a few celebrities on his round table. He made sure to make a conversation which he managed cos Kenny was Kenny James Knight. He has a convincing tongue. The moment the show started Kenny had gotten himself a few meetings. It started off with a musician singing and dancing which Kenny loved so much even though he didn't know the song or the musician.

By the minute his category was announced Kenny was getting tired and the fact that Ethan wasn't looking at him made him a little sad. The man was so engrossed with his family to look his way. Kenny was the one who told the man to never look or talk to him when in public but a tug in his heart was there. Kenny might be ok with dating a man but he wasn't ready for people to find out about his sexuality and he was glad Ethan understood it. When people are around, Ethan makes sure to not even glance at the man. This is what Kenny wanted but it hurts when he sees Ethan smile with other people other than him.

It hurts but Kenny is too much of a coward so he has to swallow it down.

"The winner of the best designer of the year 2020 is
..." Kenny got ready cos he had been winning those for the past five years until... "Ethan Grayson Hurt," Kenny was happy for the man really, was happy but as soon as the announcement was made, his phone went off and Kenny picked up.

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