Chapter 58- Rewritten

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Ability is what you're capable of doing,
Motivation determines what you do,
attitude determines how well you do it.


"I want to get you out of here," Kenny looked at the woman who birthed him with soft eyes. It has been a month since he left her in prison to reflect on what she did a few weeks ago. Kenny knew this woman was like him, they don't give up easily. You can torture him in the worst way possible but if he had decided not to do something and he will not do it, Kenny is hot-headed and he knew it. That's why Kenny knows it will take time for this woman to admit what she did and that is exactly how Kenny was. Though, the difference is Kenny owns up for his mistakes sometimes but never this woman. She might stay here for months but never will she admit her mistakes or regert the things she had done.

What made Kenny change his mind was his dad. Seeing the man sad each and every day made him think of Molly. Kenny knew his mother was ambitious which he also inherited from her. Being ambitious is good if you do it in the right way. Thinking about it now, Kenny realized how much he had taken from the woman. Yesterday Kenny had a talk with Paul and for the first time in years, Paul opened up about how they came to be and married.  Kenny understands the woman. Kenny grew up with loveless parents. His parents weren't the perfect example of love to him. And the more he thinks about it, that's why it is difficult for him to admit that he loves Ethan.

Molly loved Paul and she tricked him since his dad was naive and a virgin. They had sex once and Molly got pregnant which was so stupid of her. Who says you can keep a man just because you're having their baby? Molly thought that that would trap Paul into being with her which failed miserably. She went ahead and forced him to get married which Paul did because he wanted Kenny to grow up with both parents and again she thought Paul would love her which also failed miserably.

"I'm not apologizing it anything," Molly rolled her eyes her wrinkles visible without makeup. She had grown in just a few days.

"I know," Kenny sighed putting his hands on top of the table.

"Why are you getting me out of here then," Molly was suspicious

"Since forever, you've wanted to be a makeup artist," Kenny said looking straight at his mother. "I have opened up a shop and I have put everything you will need..." he started

"If you think that will make me give your dad a divorce then you're wrong Kenny," she snarled at him.

"I just want you to start over Mother, I want you to own something that is entirely yours and stop doing shameful things," Kenny gritted out.

"What shameful things am I doing," Molly rolled her eyes making Kenny scoff.

"You having sex in front of a high school is shameful Mom,"

"What about your dad sleeping with minor boys, isn't that shameful," Kenny was shocked at the news. "You think I don't know. I found out a few weeks ago that he is sleeping with Jimmy Hurt. The brother of Ethan Hurt, your worst enemy," Kenny looked down swallowing hard not able to say anything.

"He is not minor," Kenny defended

"Oh you know," Molly laughed hysterically. "You defend your dad but not me," she rolled her eyes. Kenny breathed in.

"Mom, that's not what brought me here," Kenny wanted to vent his anger but he was controlling himself. He accepted his father but deep down he felt like...

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