Chapter 60 Rewritten.

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Am fighting to get you out of my mind
But am holding on to every word that
You ever said.

Read Chapter 58 before this. Double update.


Kenny was pacing around. His breath was coming out harshly due to having two panic attacks in a row and Ethan taking too long to come was making it worse. He again looked at his watch and cursed under his breath. It's now one hour and Ethan hasn't shown up. Kenny needs to talk about this with the man before he collapses. Kenny looked at the picture again and felt like throwing up again. He couldn't believe what his eyes were showing him. Kenny wanted to deny the picture but it was clear as day. Even though the person took their time to edit Kenny out that didn't make him less panicky.

Kenny walked to the fridge and retreated another cold bottle of water as he downed it not minding about the brain freeze he got. He put his hands on the sink gripping it so tight that his veins were popping out. His brain was wailing around. Kenny knows that he wasn't in the picture which is good but why did they edit him out? What was the catch of that person? Why did they edit only him out and leave Ethan alone and they made sure it shows that he was kissing a man?

All questions but no answers.?

Kenny doesn't know why the sender did that but even though they did, it made him curious and scared at the same time. What are they thinking coz he knows they captured him too?

The real question was what was Kenny going to do?

Was he going to break up with Ethan?

Only that thought made his heart feel heavy.

Will he stick by Ethan through all this?

That's what you do for the people you love and Kenny was a hundred percent sure. He loves Ethan more than before.

But Kenny wasn't ready to come out and he didn't know if he would ever be ready. Just coming out to his friends feels so heavy to him then what about the whole world? Kenny doesn't know if he would be able to handle it. More so, according to the way they made people believe that they do hate each other, then what will happen when they find out that they have been under his sheets for over five months now?

Kenny shouldn't care about people but he couldn't stop his brain from thinking about it, especially after reading all of those hate comments about Ethan. Kenny heaved a deep breath trying to clear his mind but it wasn't easy at all. Kenny pulled out his phone when it jangled on the counter. He had received a direct message from a private number and a photo attached to it. Kenny's breath caught in his throat as he looked at the picture he had just received with a caption attached to it.

'Ethan is coming in now, Break up with him or this will be the picture I send out now?'

On cue, Ethan indeed came in.

Kenny threw up all the water he had just downed. The mystery person sent the unedited picture. Kenny was visible he felt like he was having a heart attack. If that picture goes public Kenny is dead. Like he was dead. He started recalling the cruel words his grandmother used to say to people like him. They weren't good words at all and Kenny was scared...

"Kenny calm down," Ethan pulled him into a comfortable hug but Kenny pushed him away. No matter how much he likes to be in that chest, he simply can't.

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