Chapter 36. Rewritten.

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Falling in love is when
He falls asleep in your arms
And wakes up in your dreams.


Ethan pretended to be sleeping but in actual sense, he wasn't. How could he sleep when he had so many things going through his mind? He was about to slip up. He was about to tell Kenny how he felt and if he didn't bite his tongue, he wouldn't be here with the man. He wouldn't have been blessed with another night in bed with Kenny. Just sleeping next to the man, he feels blessed. Ethan was about to mess up and thank God he didn't. Kenny was clear to him. He wasn't allowed to fall in love with him. Kenny hated Mary for that and if he finds out that Ethan also felt the same way as Mary, the man won't hesitate to dump his ass right away.

Ethan felt his heartbreak. Why did he let himself fall like a fool? Why didn't he stop his heart from falling? Not seeing or talking to the man messes up his mind. Just being with Kenny like this, he feels like his heart is about to burst. He loves spending time with the man and Ethan wants more of him. It's never enough with Kenny. He always feels like he hasn't felt or done everything. There was something about Kenny that Ethan couldn't get enough of.

He needs more and more every day.

Ethan is addicted.

He sighed and walked back to the bed after putting the empty glass on top of the drawer. He didn't get any sleep and he decided to stare outside after seeing how creepy he was watching Kenny sleep. No matter how much he wanted, he couldn't sleep or look away from the man. Too many thoughts running through his mind. He pushed his hand out and kissed Kenny's cheek softly loving how perfect he was. Ethan's heart melted at the sight of the man sleeping peacefully and he hated that he had to wake him up. He was in so much sleep and Ethan admired how carefree he was.

Ethan gazed down where Kenny's heart was beating slowly. He looked at it and started thinking of ways to break the man so that he could fall for him. Ethan knew Kenny was straight but he was hoping he could be exceptional. It was clear as day that Kenny loved everything Ethan did to him. He loved being tied down, he loved his commands and he sure loved breathplay. Ethan was sure if he contuined doing that, maybe he could break that cold stone heart of his to melt and be with him.

Ethan wants a boyfriend and that boyfriend has to be Kenny James Knight.

He sighed and thought of ways for it to happen. Ethan was a patient man but somehow he felt that if he delayed, someone might take Kenny away from him. Ethan doesn't know what being in love feels like but he was hell-sure that he is in love with this heartless motherfucker.

"Kenny wake up," he decided to stop thinking. He has to be at the office in about one hour. He has a meeting. He touched Kenny's cheek softly "Baby wake up," Kenny opened his eyes and looked at him for a second and then closed them again. Ethan felt his heart melt at how cute the man looked. The light in those hazels made Ethan's body shiver.

"Ethan," Kenny called eyes closed, and pulled on his hand using it as a pillow as if there weren't any pillows on the bed. Ethan was surprised when the man went back to sleep as if he wasn't leaning against his hand. It felt hot and he loved it so much.

"Such a cutie," Ethan smiled kissing his cheek lovingly. "You should wake up. I have an early meeting," Ethan caressed his bare back.

"I'm so tired," Kenny whispered carassing the hand that his head lay on.

"If you don't have anything important to do at the office then sleep. I will be leaving though," Ethan said attempting to stand up but Kenny caught his hand stopping him from leaving. He pulled him on top of him and held him so tight Ethan wasn't breathing. "You're wrinkling my clothes babe," he managed to voice out.

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