Chapter 43. Rewritten

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Fear lies deep inside us,
But if you find someone to lean on,
Just let go and just feel.


He couldn't let Ethan go alone with the motherfucker. Kenny made sure of it. He knew David's intentions, he wanted to make sure he didn't take what was his. But what was pissing Kenny off was that, even though he tugged along, it felt like he wasn't there. Ethan wasn't sparing him any glance. The blonde was into what David was telling him to even look anywhere else. Kenny didn't know Ethan was into this kind of staff. The way his eyes light up with paintings, and the way his fingers graze over different old things made the man know that the man was a fan of this kind of thing.

If he knew, he should have been the one to bring Ethan here, not the fucker called David. There was something about this man that Kenny didn't like and the fact that he did everything to hold Ethan's hand or lean into the man as if it was a mistake. Kenny almost lost it when he leaned in whispering something in Ethan's ear and the fact that David looked right at him when he did made Kenny's body tremble in anger. He almost killed the fucker. Kenny hated the fact that Ethan was so oblivious to all these. Kenny was on the verge of walking up to them and pulling David's hand out of Ethan's but that would show something else that Kenny wasn't ready to reveal anytime soon. So he settled with following behind the two like the third Wheeler he was.

If it wasn't for David being here, Kenny would have enjoyed these artistic things. After all who doesn't like history? They walked around the museum for what felt like hours. It was big and everything was so amazing. By the time they finished exploring everything, Kenny was on the verge of collapse and wanted to kill someone. He was too tired and bored out of his fucken mind. He hoped he would have come with Carl and Gwen but the couple wanted some alone time which is totally understandable. They were on their honeymoon after all.

Kenny sighed when they settled into the car, he was hella tired. He sighed and closed his eyes but he couldn't help the tug in his chest when he heard the two guys next to him still conversing as if they had not been talking all the time. It pissed him off so much. They always have something to say to each other no silent moment between them which made Kenny's heart arch painfully. That's how he wants to be with Ethan. He wants them to talk for hours and hours nonstop. He felt so jealous of David.

The way they laughed and joked like they had known each other for a long time made his hands shake. He peeked at Ethan to see if the guy was just ignoring him or if he was invested in this boring conversation. His heart dropped when he saw that the guy was so invested in the conversation and the genuine smile he had on made Kenny's stomach twist. it was sickening. Kenny's hands balled unconsciously wanting so badly to punch David in the face for making Ethan smile like that. Kenny was the only one who was supposed to make Ethan smile.

Because Ethan was his...

"Stop the car," Kenny growled.


"I said stop the fucken car," Kenny almost yelled cutting the driver off. The driver stepped on the brakes body shaking in fear. The man was scary and had that aura around him that screamed dominance and the fact that he was Hugh made the man press the brakes so quickly he didn't even know that he stopped in the middle of the road. Good thing this side of the road wasn't that busy or else they would have caused unnecessary traffic. "Let's go, Ethan," he was opening the door.

"Kenny what is wrong," Ethan asked confused by the sudden change. Smile gone.

"Ethan let's go or else I will beat that motherfucker to death," he didn't even hide the fact that that statement was directed to David. Ethan swallowed looking at David with conflicted eyes. David's eyes were uncaring but Ethan didn't notice it. David wanted to laugh but pursed his lips when he looked at the angry gaze that did nothing to hide the fact that they hated him.

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