Chapter 66. Rewritten

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Hearts could only love for a while
Feet's could only walk for some miles
Clothes won't forever be in style
But, having you as my lover
Is forever worth a while.


"Thank you Mr. Hurt for coming," Helena said making Ethan nod at her with a small smile that didn't reach his eyes, not in the mood to speak. He seat on the bench bouncing his leg. Now he regrets accepting this stupid interview. He didn't see a reason why he has to tell people about his personal life, he wasn't an idol, he was a businessman for fucks sake. So what was Ethan doing here, knowing that a thousand people were watching? He could kiss anyone he liked because it was his life. Ethan groaned inwardly standing up and wanting to get out of there, he wasn't going to give these people satisfaction.

This was his life and he was going to live it like he wanted it to.

"Are you ok," Andy asked softly standing next to him.

"This is stupid," he muttered lowly making sure Helena wasn't listening. Thank God Ryan had her occupied.

"Told ya," Andy said "You can bark out of this E, this is your personal life, you don't owe anyone any explanation," Andy was right, Ethan could walk away if he wanted to and that's all he wanted.

"We are about to start," the host said with a big smile. Looking at her, Ethan knew he would be a jerk if he just walked out without giving this lady this interview. This was huge for this poor woman standing in front of him with those big doo eyes. She might even get a rise, a thousand people are watching right now. That's how people are too invested in his personal life. He was that famous.

Ethan sighed deeply and nodded. Andrea gave him a glare but she swallowed down. Ethan was a big boy. He knew what he was doing. Ethan looked at his friends who accompanied him to be there for him and followed Helana inside the studio happy that they were there. He is only doing this so that the reporters don't follow him around. He kept saying that to himself but deep inside he wanted to show Kenny that it was fine to be who you are.

Speaking of Kenny, Ethan was disappointed when the man called him that day. Hearing that beautiful voice, hearing him breathe calmed Ethan down to the extent that he didn't know. Fuck, he loved the motherfucker and if one of these days Kenny doesn't make up his mind, Ethan will kidnap him and tie him to his bed for eternity. If only Ethan could do that so that the man can't leave his side. Ethan is so heartbroken.

"This is Helana Roberts and you're watching urban television and this is the truth show," Helena started with a big smile on her red-painted lips. "Today in the studio we have our one and only The CEO of Hurt Design and Fashion company, thanks for joining us, Mr. Hurt,"

"Thanks for having me," Ethan politely replied.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush," she turned fully to him "There is a picture..."

"With me kissing a man," Ethan completed her question wanting this to get over with. Helena nodded stunned.

"All your fans are asking themselves..."

"Why I was kissing a man," again Ethan cut her off. "Not that it's any of their business but I'm going to humor them," he looked straight at the camera "Yes I'm gay. I have been for a while. And I don't have a boyfriend, David is not my boyfriend and he will never be. Stop harassing him," Ethan was rude but he wanted this to end. "Stop harassing me, now that you've gotten what you wanted," Helana's mouth went dry all the questions she had thrown out of the window.

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