Chapter 54. Rewritten.

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I really want to see the day,
Am withstanding the pain,
Each day I love you is playing
On my lips alone, once again,
Crying for you alone once again,
Missing for you baby alone once again
I love you and am waiting for you.


Jimmy was breathing heavily when he entered the penthouse finding the love of his life seated on one of the single couches in thoughts. Jimmy walked slowly toward Paul who seemed to have not heard him come in. He stood in front of him and placed a tender hand on his shoulder making the older to look up at him. Just by looking in the older eyes, he knew instantly that something was totally wrong. Paul stood up slowly and looked at him with blank eyes. No emotions whatsoever which made Jimmy's heart beat wildly and when Paul put a small distance btw them Jimmy sucked in a deep breath.

Jimmy scanned the older nervously. He noticed how Paul had lost weight in these few weeks. He looked like he had been staving for days. His lips were dry but that didn't mean he wasn't still sexy and hot. Fuck the man was always hot in Jimmy's eyes. He had missed him so much.

"Baby," Jimmy stepped close to Paul trying to hold his hand but Paul stepped back biting his lips. "Baby, what's wrong," Jimmy asked worry lacing in his voice.

"How is your brother," Paul muttered voice void of all emotions "I heard he was shot," his voice was hard like a stone making him look more like Kenny. The heartless motherfucker and Jimmy didn't like it one bit.

"He is fine," Jimmy let out a deep breath "Where have you been, I have been calling and looking for you everywhere," and I went to your son's, office. Jimmy wanted to add but bit his tongue not to ruin this more than he had already done.

"Good, the reporters said it was bad," Paul said lowly avoiding the questions he knew were coming. He took deep breaths trying to stay strong and do what brought him here to do.

"I am sure we are not here to talk about my brother,"  Jimmy said impatiently as he swallowed "Tell me what happened that day and why you ignored my calls," Jimmy demanded.

"I got my wife out of prison," it was a smooth lie and Paul was glad it got out smoothly. He sat back on the couch making sure not to look at Jimmy which pissed the younger. He felt his legs shake at what he was about to do.

Jimmy looked at him for a few seconds trying to sink in the information he had been told. He was confused. "Ok," Jimmy said putting his hands over his waist. "Did Kenny agree to it," He asked lowly when Paul didn't say anything. He didn't even know why they were talking about that.

"N-no," Paul stuttered. "He doesn't know yet," he was lying. Paul thought this would help with what he was about to do.

"I don't understand, how does that connect with you missing for weeks," Jimmy was in pure confusion.

"It does," he muttered making sure his voice came out as strong. He practiced this.

"Thank you for everything that you've done for me and those you were willing to do for me," Paul said not once looking at Jimmy.

"Look at me and say those words again and tell me what the fuck is going on," Jimmy was calm but inside he was freaking out.

"Jimmy I'm sorry but...."

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