Chapter 47. Rewritten

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Your my favorite drug,
I can't get enough of you,
Stay with me forever baby.


"So..." Kenny found Ethan already in his house eagerly waiting for him. Kenny wanted to smile at the feeling of finding someone waiting for him but he hid it so very well. He doesn't want to show Ethan that he likes this feeling. Ethan was eager to know what made the man ignore him for days. Kenny didn't tell him right away since he had other ideas. For the first time in years, he felt the need to cook for the man. He cooked dinner for both of them and he was glad Ethan liked it so much. After they showered together and now they were snuggled up against each other in the warm sheets both of them naked.

"I had an emergency," Kenny said lowly his dick leaking. "Can't we just forget about it and do other things," Kenny kissed Ethan's shoulder and neck trying to get out of the complicated situation. He didn't want to talk about it.

"What other things," Ethan breathed out loving the man's lips on his skin.

"Making love," Kenny was on top of him kissing his bare chest, he looked so hot and sexy.

"Even though you prolong this. We still have to talk about it," Ethan flipped him over pinning him against the mattress.

"Damn, that was so hot," Kenny grinned.

"If we don't talk about it, I'm not letting you come or touch my cock or tasting me," Ethan smiled but he was serious "You've been so bad baby," Ethan passes a finger down the middle of Kenny's chest making the man tremble. Ethan pulled out the ropes and cockblock that he has placed under the pillow.  Upon seeing them, Kenny's body got excited but not so much with the cockblock. "It's your choice baby, to tell me now, or let your body suffer the consequences," Ethan smirked looking at how hard the man underneath him was. Kenny was breathing heavily lust so evident in his eyes.

Kenny didn't reply as he watched Ethan tie his hands on the bedpost. He didn't protest coz he wasn't willing to tell Ethan anything. He feels like it was so personal to tell Ethan. He knows Ethan was his boyfriend he should know everything about him but won't that be too much? Sometimes Kenny wants to keep his personal things to himself. Ethan tied his legs too which surprised Kenny. Ethan had never tied his legs before but it excited him more. Ethan sat on Kenny's lap and placed the cock block on which annoyed Kenny but he didn't protest.

"I'm going to edge you so much you will wish you had told me earlier," Ethan promised "You're going to wish to touch me, taste me but you wouldn't," Ethan said again massaging his hips softly. Kenny swallowed loving the look in Ethan's eyes. That damned look made Kenny believe that what the man was saying is the truth. So sexy and hot but daring at the same time. "But, here is the option," Ethan leaned toward him whispering in his ear "If you tell me, you will come as many times as you want," Ethan pulled on his ear lobe loving the shake he got from the man.

Ethan started by licking his ear making sure to suck on it as if there wasn't tomorrow. By the minute Ethan finished with the other ear, Kenny was a moaning mess. Ethan went ahead and sucked on his nipples so hard. He left them so sensitive and bruised. Ethan went to his armpits and licked it with how tongue all eyes were on Kenny and that turned the man on so much if the stupid cockblock wasn't on. He would have come. Ethan sucked on the black hairs around his armpits making Kenny shaky out in ecstasy. They were sensitive but Kenny was enjoying the foreplay so much.

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