Chapter 8- Rewritten

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Maybe someday I can say,
And let go of the pain,
One day I can smile
While looking into your eyes
Without dying inside.


Kenny looked at himself in the mirror still reminiscing about the past, as he tried so hard to control his breathing counting from one to ten like his therapist always tells him. He wanted to punch something so hard and that's Ethan's stupid face. It annoys him.

Kenny knew he was the cause of this rivalry. He knows everything was his fault from the beginning but Ethan too was to blame. Kenny was still treating his sickness by then and he managed to keep his distance every damn time but Ethan had to talk to him that day. If Ethan did his part too, they wouldn't be like this after years.

Kenny was healed, he no longer had those disturbing thoughts from years ago but since they built this hate he couldn't help to hate Ethan even if they were now grown-up men. They can't even be in the same room without fighting. Kenny scoffed and sighed pulling out his phone and texting Mary telling her to get ready for him. He will need to get all this pent-up anger and what better way than a fucking wet pussy. His phone went off meaning he had an incoming call, Looking down it was Ron.

"Hey buddy," Ron said as soon as he picked up. Kenny leaned his lower back against the counter rubbing his forehead. "Michael told me what happened are you okay," Ron asked worried.

"Dude I'm the one who has to ask you that," Kenny chuckled cursing Michael for not keeping his big mouth shut. Ron is in no condition to hear bullshit. "Are you ok,"

"Hanging in there," Ron replied. "What of you," Kenny knew Ron didn't want to talk about it so he let it go.

"I'm fine," Ron breathed out in relief, They know how Ethan makes him.

"Guess what," Ron changed the subject knowing Kenny wasn't in the mood to talk about it either. They understood each other like that. But when was he in the mood they knew him better than that.

"Talk Ron before chopping off your toes" Kenny joked smiling, Ron seemed to be in higher spirits than the last time they saw him. So bringing him back to work worked wonders.

"I guess you will be walking out with the trophy again," Kenny smiles "I talked to Angels and Beauty modeling company from New York and they agreed to model for you," A smile printed on Kenny's face loving the news.

"I could kiss you right now," Kenny grinned.

"Please don't, I just lost my wife three months ago," Ron joked as they both chuckled.

"How did you get them," Kenny asked, The company was one the best in the whole world. It had beautiful supermodels that could rock any outfit you provided.

"That's a secret, I can't tell you how I do my job loser," Ron said and they started talking about business. Kenny forgot that he was even angry just a few minutes ago


Ethan was drinking his life away wanting to forget the conversation he had with fucking Kenny. He hates the man in that he ticks him off with just a smile. Just thinking that man still exists in this world upsets him. He never thought he would hate someone so much as much as he hates Kenny. What did he do for the man to hate him, for years Ethan had tried to think of any reason or saying he did to Kenny to deserve the hate but the poor man came out with nothing. It's upsetting.

Ethan called the waiter to bring him another bottle after finishing two bottles of vodka. Cole and Ryan who were seated by him looked at each other not knowing what to do. "I'm fine," Ethan said after seeing his friends looking at him worriedly. He downed the remaining vodka gritting his teeth.

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