Chapter 33. Rewritten.

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Fear is the key to failure.


"Are you sure we are not crushing the party like the last time," Michael asked again for the hundredth time since Kenny informed them about this party.

"Micheal, how many times do I have to tell you that we were invited," Kenny gritted out looking over at him with an annoyed gaze.

"The question is, why were we invited," Kenny sighed pulling into a parking lot and looking over at Micheal with a shake of his head. "Don't look at me like that Kenny, everyone in this car has the same question but they are too afraid to ask them," Micheal shrugged looking over at Ron and Paul who also looked suspicious but said nothing.

"Ok, like I said before," Kenny started softly as ever looking at his Dad who he had dragged into this. "He invited me because I saved his life and these were his words and I quote... I just want to thank you for saving my life, so please can you do me the honor of celebrating my birthday with you here coz if it, wasn't you? I would be celebrating it in grave," Kenny spoke out too tired of explaining something he also didn't understand.

It all started last weekend, the weekend he spent with Ethan. A smile pulled on Kenny's lips just at the thought of the man. That weekend was still so new in his mind. That was one of the best days in his life and no matter how much he tried to forget it, he just couldn't.

Spending time with Ethan was the best. The way they understood each other, the way they bickered over a silly game, the way they played like little boys and don't tell him the make-out session.  It all made Kenny's heart at peace. Kenny could give anything to go back to that weekend and thankfully Mary didn't ruin it like she wanted to.

Like Kenny predicted Mary wasn't serious about killing herself like he thought she would. Mary loved her life and loved her family more than anything in this life so Kenny was sure she was just bitching around so that he could run back to her but shame on her, Kenny didn't run like she expected he will. Micheal told him that he found her in a bikini so ready for him and the disappointed look on her face made her almost kill Micheal.

Micheal was pissed and complained to Kenny every chance he got making Kenny pay him for wasting his time and that made him stop talking about it. He didn't know that only taking the man to a baseball game would stop his bitching but Kenny was glad to make it up to his friend. Micheal has been there for him in everything and Kenny loves the motherfucker like the brother he never had even though he hates him sometimes.

And Kenny would have paid Micheal much more coz he doesn't know what a great favor he did for him. If Kenny hadn't spent that weekend with Ethan, he would have not gotten the best days of his life. Kenny didn't know that they had so much in common with the man. Just sitting there and talking to the man-made Kenny's heart feels so warm. He loved spending time with Ethan more than he thought he would.

Kenny was the happiest man alive. He would give anything to go back to that marvelous weekend. Mary tried to destroy it but it backfired on her ass and Kenny wasn't willing to go anyway.  Kenny had been ignoring her these days and he was glad she stopped bothering him. Now two weeks and he hasn't heard from the woman which Kenny was ok with. The only person he wanted to hear from was Ethan and they had been talking so much lately.

Back to what Micheal was asking Kenny. It was early Sunday when Ethan's mother called him and informed him about the birthday party they were going to throw him on Thursday evening. Ethan thought it was a very good idea to invite Kenny to the party personally which of course Kenny declined instantly but Ethan convinced him. Kenny won't go through the details of how Ethan convinced him but he did and Kenny didn't have a choice but to accept. He came so hard he couldn't fathom what was wrong for five minutes straight.

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