Chapter 65. Rewritten

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I don't want to be your favorite or your best
I want to be your only one and
Make you forget the rest.


"Hello," Kenny closed his eyes tightly his heart pounding in his chest as he listened to the voice he had taken days without hearing. He took a deep breath calming down his beating heart and trying to gather his thoughts. He couldn't hold in anymore, he missed Ethan so much. "Are you there," it was soothing and calming. Kenny felt tears gather in his eyelids as he took in deep breaths. He felt nervous as he paced around his office like a teenager.

Tell him that you miss him.

Tell him you love him.

But Kenny didn't Say any of that. Instead he...

"I heard about the interview," he didn't intend his voice to come out harshly but that's how it came out.

"I promised to not say anything, Kenny..." Kenny's breath came out harshly hearing how his name rolled off Ethan's lips. "If you're worried about that, don't. I keep my promises," he continued not knowing what he was doing to the man. Kenny's soul was craving and not these food cravings but Ethan's craving. He needs the man, but how to voice it out was the problem.

"I..." Kenny didn't know what to say. All he wanted was to tell the man how much he missed him but he didn't. Too scared to voice those words out. He didn't care about the interview Ethan had with Hellena. He knew Ethan wouldn't out him but he was dying slowly with each day passing. He needs the man by his side.

"Is that all," Ethan asked as if impatiently making Kenny panic. Was Ethan over him and he was back at hating him? Kenny was thinking too much.

"Ethan..." Kenny breathed out in a soft voice.

"Yes," Kenny bit the inside of his lips hard. He wanted to say so much to the man. Most of all, he wanted to tell him how much he missed him and how much he was dying to hold him. He closed his eyes inhaling deeply and bit his lips hard.

"Bye," he hung up throwing the phone away in frustration. Why was it so hard to tell Ethan exactly how he felt? Why is it so hard to just forget about everything and go get the love of his life? Kenny didn't even know why he was this scared. He took deep breaths and buried himself in work trying so hard to forget everything that was going on in his life. But it was so hard when his mind kept drifting toward Ethan every now and then.

"Kenny buddy, you need to see this," It was obviously Micheal. Kenny groaned wondering what his best friend wanted.

He looked up tiredly "Micheal I'm busy," he muttered not in the mood to deal with Micheal but knowing Micheal he didn't care about that.

"You should see your dad confessing his undying love to your future papa. Oh my god, it's so cute," Micheal cooed showing Kenny the video which had a thousand views in just a few hours ignoring the fact that Micheal called Jimmy his papa. Kenny's eyes widened in shock looking at his dad who was singing in public. Kenny would be lying if he told you that he had ever heard his dad sing like this before.

Then Paul started confessing to Jimmy who cried and hugged his dad tightly. The love between them was unmistakable. Jimmy held Paul's hand and pulled him towards Paul's escalade which Kenny knows by heart. He could see the love flowing in Paul's eyes which made Kenny emotional. "Isn't it so cute," Micheal said cooing watching the video again. Kenny smiled, he didn't care that it was Jimmy his dad had fallen for, The important part was, his dad being happy. That's all that matters to him.

"I never knew Paul could sing, as in he has a great voice," Micheal commented with a wide smile putting his phone away.

"Me neither," Kenny muttered feeling proud. That's what his dad meant when he visited him yesterday. All in all, he was happy and Kenny was happy for him. At least one of them is happy.

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