Chapter 52. Rewritten

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"Seth Morrison was taken into the mental institute and Daniel Morrison was given six years in prison like you requested sir without parole," Jeffery, Ethan's lawyer told him.

"Thank you, Jeffery," Ethan says contented that the people who put him in the hospital two times are behind bars. Daniel would have given him life imprisonment but Ethan was somehow grateful for the man. If it wasn't for him to distract his brother, Ethan would be somewhere far away from the people he loves. For that, he was so grateful for Daniel and in return, he testified in his favor and got his sentence short instead of life "Any news from Brad Morrison," he asked worriedly. The way Ethan saw things, Brad might be the worst of the three brothers but he disappeared with no trance which was making him unstable.

"No, sir," Jeffery replied in a sad tone feeling like he did not do enough to help his client. "The police are doing everything in their power to find him," he added with a deep sigh.

"They are not doing enough," Rose almost yelled in frustration "They almost killed my son. This is the second time and the police isn't doing its job," She added in a stressed voice. Her face was so visible with wrinkles that weren't there before all these happened. The women had aged in these few days making Ethan's heartbreak. He hates to see her like this. Ethan was a grown man to put his parents through this.

"Dad, take mum for a fresh air," Ethan said not in the mood to deal with her crying right now and the guilt was killing him so bad. The woman had been crying ever since he woke up from that temporary coma and he was so sure she cried when she heard the news. Shawn pulled his wife against his chest and helped her out. He knows Ethan is stressed with all this and the last thing he needs is to worry about his mother. Hd mouthed his father thank you which Shawn nodded with a smile before they moved out.

"Your father doubled the security Ethan, all will be good. Don't be so worried about Brad. The police and I will not rest until he is where he deserves to be, I promise," Jeffery said before he walked out of the room leaving Ethan with Jimmy, Cole, Ryan, and surprisingly David Rendell who had been at the hospital ever since the attack. Ethan was surprised to see the man in his room when he woke up but that wasn't the only surprise Ethan had gotten. The fact that the man had told his friends and family that he was his boyfriend. That brewed Ethan's mind he couldn't even be mad at him. When Ethan asked him why he did it, he simply said that it was the only way he was allowed to see him.

Ethan had many questions but he was in too much pain to even care about that. All he wanted was for the Morrison brothers behind bars.

Ethan thought that the man would be gone by now. He was yet again wrong. The man hadn't left his side and the fact that he cared so much for him made Ethan uncomfortable. Ethan is already stressed enough to deal with David so he let him.

"Dude we have to run to the office. See you tomorrow," Cole stood up. Ryan followed saying farewell to Ethan and Ethan didn't miss the way they looked at David weirdly. Ethan knows he has so many questions coming his way when he gets out of the hospital bed. Ethan nodded as he watched his best friends, who had been by his side since the attack, and that warmed his heart. He loved them so much.

"I'm also going to meet up with someone, I will be back later," David said kissing Ethan on the cheek before he walked out leaving the man in shock. David had been Kissing his cheek this past day and Ethan never gave it too much thought but thinking about it now, it's actually weird.

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