Chapter 10-Rewritten.

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Doing my best at this moment
Puts you in the best place for the
Next moment.


"I think we are lost" Ethan muttered looking at Kenny's back. Instead of going back to the main road, they both feared that the kid might catch up to them and they made a stupid decision to go deeper into the forest thinking it might take them back to the main road or to some place where they could call the police but they were wrong.

They had been walking for hours now and nothing. It was getting dark, and no road that could take them to the main road or anything promising. They were surrounded by trees everywhere, and the bad thing was they couldn't go back. They were already in the middle of nowhere What if they got lost on their way back?

"Kenny can you please slow down," Ethan ran up to him catching his attention. Kenny was quick to push his hand away instantly and glared at him. Kenny was angry with many things right now. One, when he hugged Ethan he got lost and all he wanted was to stay in his warm chest forever, Second, it was Ethan who let go making Kenny feel embarrassed by relaxing and melting into him like a fuckin bitch. Third, Ethan looked like he didn't enjoy that hug like he did making him look stupid and remembering his words from the cabin earlier.

I'm not gay...

Ethan had declared and felt revolted by himself. At that moment, Kenny remembered how he used to look at Ethan before, how he used to stalk him on Instagram, and how he used to love his smile and eyes. How he secretly touched his shoulder blades and liked it earlier. All those things made Kenny feel horrible about himself. If Ethan doesn't feel like this, why would he? Kenny had no right to feel like that when Ethan wasn't sick like him.

He was fuckin sick and the longer he spent more time with the man, the more he will get sicker than he was and finally fourth, following Ethan into the forest just because he couldn't think properly after that warm intense hug. He blames Ethan for all this, no one else but him.

"We have to keep moving," Kenny declared seriously not looking at Ethan as he continued his journey.

"I'm tired, Let's get some rest," Ethan stood in front of him stopping him stopping him from going further.

"You don't get to be tired, " he pointed an angry finger at him.

"It's already dark Kenny, Let's rest and then continue tomorrow," Ethan suggested.

"Are you fucken out of your fucken mind," Kenny growled. "I'm not fucken spending the night here where wild animals could make us their dinner, I'm not risking that Ethan Hurt, let's keep walking," Kenny pushed him out of his way Ethan's face upsetting him to the core. He hates the man from the depths of his being.

"Kenny I know you don't want to spend the night here so do I but we have nothing to do right this fucking minute. Let's get some rest then tomorrow we figure out something," Ethan said softly standing in front of the angry man or better yet bear again. Ethan wants to laugh at Kenny's angry face right now, which doesn't scare him at all but instead, this time around he finds it....cute.

The way he was glaring at him with those intense hazels but in actual sense, Kenny couldn't hide his scared face which made him look really cute.

"This is all your fault," Kenny pointed a finger again, Does this dude ever give up? Ethan thought. "I'm in this shit because of you," Ethan looked at him surprised, How could this be his fault, he didn't ask to get kidnapped and he didn't ask him for help.

"Kenny let's not start now, it doesn't matter who is at fault here,"

"What do you mean it doesn't matter, hell It does. I should have not got involved in your shit,"

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