Chapter 19- Rewritten.

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Sometimes you need patience in order to
find true happiness.
It would come fast and it won't come easy,
But it will be worth it.


It took a month for Ethan to get on both his feet even though he was discharged weeks ago. Ethan was happy to walk without crutches, sleep in his own bed, and resume work. He had so many things to do at the office, he had to sign contracts, and he had so many interviews to do to talk about kidnapping since his parents decided to tell everyone about it.

Ethan was a public figure, of course, people would need to know what happened that day and how everything was folded. That's how he found himself seated in one of the popular TV stations waiting to be interviewed this early Monday morning.

Ethan had so much going on. He really didn't have time to think of other things but he would be lying if he said his mind wasn't thinking of a certain someone. No matter how busy he was, no matter how distracted he was, Ethan's mind couldn't stop wandering to a brown-haired man with bright hazel eyes and sweet lips. The person he had hated for almost half his life was giving him insomnia. Ethan can't stop thinking about the look the man gave him when he kissed him. He can't stop thinking about how those lips felt against his, how soft and sweet they felt.

Ethan is frustrated, he tries to reach out to the man, to at least talk or something but Kenny is giving him a cold shoulder. Ethan had written Emails, and he had even gone too far to get the man's personal number thinking he would at least talk to him but once the man hears his voice, Kenny just hung up and changed his number or blocked him. Ethan doesn't know but the number doesn't go through. Ethan settled with sending Emails and texts begging the man to at least talk to him but he leaves him read.

At least he sees and reads them. But that wasn't enough, he needed to have a word with him.

Ethan was sure Kenny felt the same as him, he saw it in his eyes. The desire and lust weren't mistaken. Ethan is sure about that but why is Kenny hiding? Ethan doesn't know what he really wants from Kenny. He wants to kiss the man again that's for sure but other than that he doesn't know what he really wants from the man. He even doesn't know what they will talk about if Kenny decides to talk to him of course.

Ethan was still discovering new things about his sexuality, he had been searching and thinking about it more often over the past weeks. He knows he still likes girls but he gets bored of them easily and They seem to annoy him without even doing anything. He didn't want to label himself before being sure but no woman had ever made him feel like Kenny made him with just kissing. Ethan had tried to look at men, he tried going to gay clubs to at least find out if he was attracted to them and the answer was yes but the attraction just ended there. He wasn't comfortable but he knew he was attracted to them.  If that makes sense.

Ethan got out of his thoughts when Helana the TV presenter stood in front of him with a big smile. He stood up giving her a small hug in greeting. He was glad she was the presenter, she knew where to stop. "Happy to see you again Ethan," She smiled

"Me too Helana, is it time to St..." he was cut off by a voice he had missed so much over these past weeks. Ethan never in his life ever thought he would be this happy to see Kenny James Knight or happy to hear him talk. His voice always irritated him and one day he told him to shut up coz he couldn't stand it but here he was, feeling excited to hear that voice.

Ethan never knew how much he longed to hear that voice until now. Suddenly he remembered the sound Kenny made when he kissed him. That sound made Ethan go crazy in that he craved to make the man let out more sounds. He never knew a man could make such a sound until he kissed Kenny James Knight. It's stuck in his mind like his fucken favorite song and no matter how much he wants it to get out, it just can't.

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