Chapter 64. Rewritten.

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When I see you smile and know
It wasn't because of me
I feel sad cause am the only one
Who wants to put that smile on your face?


They couldn't keep their hands off each other. They were both hungry for each other and they couldn't wait to be body to body. Hands were roaming each other like it was the first time they had actually touched. All they wanted was to eat each other like it was the last day or last meal in this world. They kissed with the agency as Jimmy fidgeted with the opening of the door to their room not once letting the other's lips go. He opened the door pushed the older against it and pressed his body against Paul as he kissed his lips until their lungs screamed for air.

Paul attacked Jimmy's neck and nibbled on it so hard that Jimmy shuddered against him tilting his head to the side to give his neck to the older who sucked his skin like a wolf in heat. "I need you," Paul whispered against his skin pulling off his shirt which Jimmy threw down without a care. He pushed Paul against the door and captured his lips in a deep toe-curling kiss which made Paul moan out and tremble against him.

Jimmy pulled off Paul's jacket and tore the white shirt off Paul's body leaving the older exposed to his eyes. Paul didn't care about the torn shirt. What mattered now was Jimmy making love to him at this moment. Jimmy pushed Paul onto the bed gently and pulled off his pants and boxers leaving Paul naked.

He licked his lips looking up and down the older. The man was so attractive Jimmy felt his groin place harder against his jeans. He bit his lips as he passed his fingertips on Paul's thighs. Jimmy sighed and pulled off his pants too breathing so hard. Paul was here but he didn't know where to touch. He had dreamed of this moment so many times but now he didn't know where to start. He had been craving for the man, needing the man for weeks and Jimmy didn't know what to do.

"Are you ok," Paul asked when Jimmy stood in front of him in a daze. Jimmy bit the inside of his mouth and crawled back to bed slowly.

"I don't know where to touch, where to taste. I want to taste each part of you," Jimmy admitted in a husky voice lust oozing through his voice making Paul shiver slightly.

"You can touch wherever you want," Paul replied cupping his face so that Jimmy could look at him.

"I can't believe that you're here," Jimmy whispered his voice lacing with worry.

"I am," Paul said softly.

"What if it is a dream, please wake me up," it looked like he was about to cry.

"I'm here Jimmy, this is real," Paul pulled his face close and pecked his lips softly. "I'm here baby," he whispered in his ear hugging him tightly. A sob made Paul tighten his arms around the younger making his heart break.

"You left me, Paul," he sobbed in pain "I was so lost without you, baby. Please don't leave me again?" Paul's heart broke he never knew how much he hurt him until now.

"I won't honey, I promise I won't," Paul felt a tear slide down his own face. When he broke up with Jimmy he never thought that it would break Jimmy to this extent. He only cared about himself and he didn't care how Jimmy was feeling. Jimmy pulled out of the hug and looked at Paul with teary eyes.

"You never looked back," he whispered playing with Paul's chain around his neck. He looked up into Paul's eyes who was already looking at him with tears in his eyes too. "You destroyed me. I couldn't function without you. I cried myself to sleep. I drank so much that I could forget you but Paul. You're so deep in my soul that sometimes it's so hard to express what I feel for you," he swallowed "Please promise me that you will never make me cry ever again," Jimmy was pleading.

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