I love you just the way you are

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It's the weekend and Shawn is taking you on a date you are trying to figure out what you're going to wear but you don't like any of your clothes because you think all your clothes makes you look fat and you've been just very depressed lately you haven't told Shawn about this cause you don't want him to worry because he's got a tour coming up soon and the only reason he's taking you out because y'all won't be together when He's on tour and you go on dates every week
Shawn/ baby are you ready
Y/n no I don't think I wanna go anymore I just wanna stay home and cuddle
Shawn/ but babe you love going out you make me take you out every day hahahah but I don't mind it what's wrong
Y/n nothing Shawn I just don't want to go
Shawn/ somethings wrong because you called me by my name and not babe or baby so what's up are you sad that you can't go on tour with me
Y/n yes but that's not it
Shawn/ ok then what's wrong
Y/n The reason I don't wanna go on a date it's because I don't have anything to wear
Shawn/ Yes you do you have a whole closet full you don't have to be fancy I like you just the way you are
Y/n you don't get it do you
Shawn/ apparently not so tell me
Y/n I hate my body Shawn I hate it
Shawn/ Now why would you say that
Y/n because it's true you go on tour and he meet a bunch of people and they look better than me and you also hang out with a bunch of models and I just feel like I'm not enough for you
Shawn/ baby those models I don't care about them I care about you I love you just the way you are no matter if you're thick or if you're not I will Always love you No matter what I love you so much those people are fans and I love them because if I didn't have fans I wouldn't be where I am right now but I love you you're the only person I wanna be with you are the person I wanna grow old with you the person that I wanna have kids with your the person that I wanna die with those models I don't care about those models because I have you and you're my model no matter if you see it or not it's true
Y/n You're just saying that
Shawn/ no I'm not I'm being truthful and you know I'm being truthful you just don't wanna handle the truth you're beautiful amazing smart funny everything that I've been looking for and I'm glad that I have you you know what I'm a show you
Shawn walks up to you and starts kissing ever inch of your body
Shawn/ I love you for you I don't love you just because your thin I love you for you the woman that I fell in love with is still here and I'm glad that I have you may not know this but every time I'm away from you I cry because I miss you so much and secondly why didn't you tell me you could've told me be like hey I don't feel like myself can you help me I would've helped you you know me I love you for you not just because of your weight or your body I love you because of how incredible your heart is you are nice to people you are very kind and very patient and when I'm in a bad mood or if I'm having a stressful day you help me through it and that's one thing why I love you I want you to get that through your beautiful head that I love you
Shawn continues to kiss you everywhere and you start to moan a lil
Shawn/ do you believe me now
Y/n yes I do and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner it's just I just thought if I would tell you that you break up with me
Shawn/ I would never break up with you no matter if you want me to break up with you I'm not going to break up with you your like you're my rock you're my soul you're my everything I can't let you go
Y/n I love you
Shawn/ I love you to do you feel better now
Y/n maybe if we can Continue what we're doing
Shawn/ well before we do that I just want to let you know that you're coming on tour with me because I can't leave you here and it will tear me apart
Y/n awwww really
Shawn/ of course now let's go to the bedroom Shall we
Y/n yes please
Do you know what happens at the end I hope you guys like this if you please comment and tell me that you like this and I'm sorry that I haven't posted in four days The last three days has been incredible for me my TikTok crush garett Nolan Knows who I am he even post he even reposted my thing on his story and I was freaking out so I'm sorry I've just been trying to calm down that he actually knows me but I hope y'all like this if you did please tell me in the comments and tell me if you want more like this and I cannot wait because tomorrow is New Year's Eve and then we're done with 2020 u love you guys ❤️ thank you for 320 readers and I'm going to say this if you feel like you're not worth anything or if you feel like you're fat you're not you're a beautiful you're a queen and I just want everyone to know that they are worth something and they are incredible don't ask me why I put those pictures in there accidentally hit the button I'm sorry lol

It's the weekend and Shawn is taking you on a date you are trying to figure out what you're going to wear but you don't like any of your clothes because you think all your clothes makes you look fat and you've been just very depressed lately you h...

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