I need attention

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You are sitting in the living waiting for shawn to finish his work and you don't like to admit it but you feel like the work is taking over him I mean you know that shawn is a singer and you are so proud of him but you miss him so you go check up on him
Y/n baby can I come in
Shawn/ yes
You walk in and see him just staring at his work
Shawn/ hey baby
Y/n hey are you almost done
Shawn/ no why
Y/n oh I was hoping we could watch a movie together
Shawn/ maybe later
Y/n and I want attention
Shawn/ I'll give you attention later
Y/n no now
You say in a dominant Tone and let's be honest shawn is the dom in the relationship you're the sub so shawn stands up from his desk
Shawn/ when did you get dominant I'm the dom so what's wrong sweetie
Y/n I just feel like you are so caught up in to work that the work is taking over you
Shawn/ what do you mean
Y/n we never do anything together all we do is sleep and I miss you and I'm so glad that you are doing your dream I'm extremely proud of you but i miss you I feel like you love your work more then me
Shawn/ oh my god baby come here I'm so sorry
You go sit on Shawn's lap
Shawn/ why didn't you tell me sooner
Y/n because I didn't want you to feel bad or stop working because I know you love your fans
Shawn/ I do but baby I love you to
Y/n I love you too I'm sorry I didn't tell you I just didn't want you to get mad or anything
Shawn/ sweetie why did you think I would be mad
Y/n I don't know
Shawn/ look you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and you are the most important person in my life and I'm so sorry I made you feel this way
Y/n it's okay
Shawn/ how about this we go have a glass of wine and watch pretty little liars
Y/n really
Shawn/ yes because I feel terrible that I haven't giving you the attention you need
Y/n I love you so much
Shawn/ I love you to deal
Y/n yes but wait what about your work
Shawn/ I will finish it later right now I'm giving my baby girl attention
Y/n I love it when you call me that daddy 
Shawn/ I know you do I love being called daddy
Y/n I know you do
You guys kiss then go out to the living room and watch pretty little liars until you feel asleep And Shawn stayed the cuddling you
I hope you guys enjoy ❤️❤️❤️

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