Haunted museum

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You and your boyfriend Shawn is in Vegas and you come across a haunted museum
Shawn/ oooooooo baby let's go in there
Y/n Shawn no
You not a BIG fan of scary or haunted things but Shawn does
Shawn/ pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Y/n Shawn you know I'm not a fan of scary things
Shawn/ I know but baby I'll hold you please
Y/n fine you're lucky I love you
You and Shawn walks to the museum
Zak/ hi I'm Zak bagans I own this Museum how can i help
Shawn/ yes can we get tickets
Zak/ yes but I do have to tell you so things
Shawn/ okay
Zak/ so this is not no ordinary museum it is a haunted museum and what I mean by a haunted museum I mean I am a ghost investigator I have a show called ghost Adventures I take a piece of something from my investigation and I put it in here so you might experience heavy energy
Shawn/ also
Y/n Shawn can I speak to you
Shawn/ yea
Y/n Shawn we are not going to go in there and get possessed
Shawn/ baby come on we aren't going to get possessed
Y/n Shawn you heard him it's haunted like realllyyyy haunted
Shawn/ baby he just said that to get us scared
Y/n will it worked
Shawn/ baby come on please I'll keep you safe
Y/n promise
Shawn/ I promise
Y/n okay
You guys get done with the haunted museum and you walk out excited
Y/n okay I know I hate scary things but I actually liked that
Shawn/ I know it was awesome
Y/n how ever though I feel weird and kinda sick
Shawn/ you know me to
You guys see Zak
Shawn/ yo Zak
Zak/ hey guys Shawn right
Shawn/ yea and this is my beautiful girlfriend y/n
Zak/ nice to meet you both
Shawn/ we loved the museum
Y/n yea and I'm not a big fan of scary or creepy things
Zak/ well I'm glad but I suggest you guys get blessed
Y/n why
Zak/ because I don't want something to follow you home
Y/n seriously
Zak/ yea
Shawn/ ok we will do that
Zak/ good will I'm glad you guys liked it hope to see you again
Shawn/ bye
Y/n bye
Zak/ bye
Shawn/ will he's a character
Y/n yup
Shawn/ I love you thank you for doing this even though we have to get blessed
Y/n you're welcome now let's go because I'm starting to get creeped out
Shawn/ ok
I hope you guys enjoy ❤️❤️❤️❤️ also I'm sorry there is no pic it won't let me put one I'm sorry

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