I'm glad I have you

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It's been five weeks and your parents are still fighting and they are thinking about getting a divorce and it's been stressing you out and your scared you love your mom and dad and you don't know what to do if they get a divorce you call your boyfriend Shawn
Y/n hi baby
Shawn/ hey babe are you ok
Y/n no um can you come over and let's go for a ride because I need to get out of this house
Shawn/ of course baby I'm on my way  I love you
Y/n I love you
Shawn comes over and you get into the car
Shawn/ so where do you want to go
Y/n anywhere but here
Shawn/ I know where to go
Shawn takes you to his favorite spot in Toronto you guys park and Shawn gets a blanket out of his Jeep
Shawn/ here let's sit
Shawn lays out the blanket and you guys sit on it
Shawn/ so what's going on
You start to  cry and Shawn hugs you
Y/n it's my parents again
Shawn/ they are still fighting
Y/n yeah but now they are talking about a divorce Shawn I don't think I'm ready for them to break up
Shawn/ I know sweetie I know
Shawn starts hugging you and kissing you
Shawn/ baby I'm so sorry this is happening to you but it's going to be fine I promise I love you
Y/n I love you baby I can't stay there if I do I'll just cry
Shawn/ hey how about you stay at my place
Y/n Shawn are you sure
Shawn/ of course baby I would love you to stay with me
Y/n ok I'll stay with you
Shawn/ are you feeling a lil better
Y/n maybe
Shawn kisses you with so much passion
Shawn/ baby I promise everything is going to be fine ok
Y/n ok I love you and I'm so glad I have you
Shawn/ I love you and I'm glad I have you to
You guys leave and go back to Shawn's house and cuddled all night
I hope you guys enjoy that I know it sucked lol but I love you guys so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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