Moving in

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You have just moved to a new house in new York because you got a in new York so you had to move it's 12 am and you are moving in its just you because you just got there at 11:30 so no one was up so you had to do it yourself it's 4 in the morning now and you got done and decided to go to bed because you had work the next day So you are laying in bed trying to go to sleep when you hear something it's music playing at the house beside you so you tried to go to sleep you finally got to sleep when your alarm went off
You get up you get dressed then you put your makeup and you head to work
Boss/ y/n get up
Y/n huh what oh my gosh I'm so sorry
Boss/ it's ok are you ok
Y/n no I couldn't get sleep because my stupid neighbor was playing loud music
Boss/ we'll did you tell them to stop
Y/n no
Boss/ why
Y/n because I don't want to be that be that neighbor that can't have fun
Boss/ ok because you have to do something or your fired
Y/n ok
You get home and did some work around the house and it's 11:30 pm now and here goes the music again you decide it's needs to stop so you go over to the house and knock on the door
Man/ yes can I help you
Y/n umm hi can you turn down your music it's loud and I have work tomorrow
Man/ yeah no problem
Y/n thank you
You leave and go lay and right when your about to go to sleep you hear the music again this time your mad so you go over again and this time you pound on the door
Man/ yes
Y/n I thought I told you to turn it down
Man/ wow your so beautiful when your anger
Y/n what no listen turn it down
Man/ will you go out with me
Y/n no I don't even know your name
Man/ it's shawn anyways do you go on a date with me
Y/n ummm will maybe
you think he's actually kinda cute
Shawn/ how about this Saturday at 8
Y/n ok by the way I'm y/n
Shawn/ beautiful name for a beautiful woman ok see you at 8 y/n
You go back home and dream about yours and Shawn's date and you get a good night sleep and you had a incredible date
I hope you like it if you did please let me know I think it's bad but as long as you guys like it that's all that matters I love you guys 💕💕💕

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