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You broke your leg and you are at the hospital and you are about to do surgery, but you are so scared and your boyfriend Shawn comes and supports you
Shawn/ hey baby how are you
Y/n I'm good just nervous
Shawn/ I know baby but it's going to be ok you are in good hands
Y/n I know but it's still scary to think about me going into surgery
Shawn/ I know but I'm here I'm always here and you are going to be ok
Y/n thank you I love you so much
Shawn/ I love you
Shawn kisses you, and then the doctors come in and take you down to surgery. Your surgery takes about an hour, and then the nurses take you back to your room
Nurse/ mr mendes
Shawn/ yes
Nurse/ OK I'm here to tell you that the surgery went great she's doing really good she's in recovery now and you can head up to her room and she should be up and awake in about an hour
Shawn/ ok thank you so much
Nurse/ you're welcome
Shawn walks into the room and sees you laying on the bed, and he sits beside you on a chair, and he starts softly singing
You wake up to see Shawn sitting on the chair. Sean quickly gets up and rushes to your side
Shawn/ hey baby is everything ok
Y/n yea what happened
Shawn/ oh, that's right, you probably don't remember you just had surgery a little while ago, and they said the surgery was great, and you have to be in a cast for 2 months, and you're really not supposed to be moving around a lot, which means no cleaning, no cooking, and you can't even be walking them much because you had surgery
Y/n well I'm gonna gonna do then
Shawn/ I'm going to take care of you
Y/n Shawn you don't have to
Shawn/ yes I do and I want to
Y/n what about the fans
Shawn/ they'll understand
Shawn  smiles at you
Y/n thank you for everything
Shawn/ you're welcome baby OK you should probably get more sleep
Y/n can we cuddle
Shawn laughs
Shawn/ of course baby
Shawn gets on your hospital bed and lays right Beside you start cuddling you and you fall right to sleep
I hope you guys like it if you did let me know I love you guys 💕💕💕

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