First date

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OK so you and Shawn are on your very first date and he decide you to take you to the movies he takes you to a horror movie and you're not really a fan of horror but you really like this guy so you decided to get you're getting ready you're wearing a black dress with black heels and you did you make up naturally but you can tell that you're wearing make up just a little bit you a little bit nervous because you only met Shawn because of school and he asked you out on a date a week ago and you really like him but you don't know how he is outside of school and you're kind of nervous because you don't know what's gonna happen you're hoping the night is going to go good it's been a little bit since you did your make up and you're sitting on the couch waiting for Sean you get a text from him
Shawn/ hey I'm outside
Y/n OK I'm coming
You tell your mom that you're leaving and she says OK be careful you go outside and you should see Shawn outside of his jeep standing there in a Red formal shirt and black pants do you thing in yourself all my gosh this guy is hot
Shawn/ hi miss Y/n
Y/n hi Shawn
Shawn/ you look amazing
Y/n aw thank you you look handsome
Shawn/ thanks ready to go
Y/n yes
Like a gentleman Shawn open the door for you and after he opens the door he gets on his side and he starts driving to the restaurant that you guys are going to have your date at and you guys are talking just about school and stuff now you guys are at the restaurant Shawn tells the people that he needs a table for two the waitress said she sits  down you guys order drinks
Shawn/ so Um how are you
Y/n I'm good I'm good
Shawn/ that's good I know I already said this but can I just say this again you are really beautiful
Y/n aww thank you Shawn
The waitress brings you your drinks and you guys order food the food comes and you and Shawn start talking again
Shawn/ so how's the food
Y/n amazing I love it
Shawn/ well I'm glad how's the date so far because I actually think it's going pretty good
Y/n you know what I actually think so too
You say smiling you guys finish eating Shawn pays for the check even though you told him that you were going to pay for it he told you absolutely not  and he paid for it and you guys are in his jeep and he is going to take you back home
Y/n Shawn can I say this day has been really amazing and I'm glad that you asked me out
Shawn/ well I'm glad I ask you out I actually like you
Y/n aww I like you to
Shawn pulls into your driveway gets out of the car open your door and you guys are literally just standing there talking
Shawn/ well I had a really good night thank you for coming with me it's been really fun and I hope we can do this again
Y/n of course if you want to go on a date with me again
Shawn/ of course I wanna go on a date with you again why wouldn't know
Y/n I don't know but thank you for everything and thank you for being such a gentleman thank you so much for take me out and having a great time
Shawn/ same goes to you so is it too early to set up our next date hehe
He says well he nervously laughs
Y/n of course not but I'm thinking we should have a movie night I'm not saying that I didn't like going out to dinner because I did like going out to dinner I just think a movie night would be a good second day
Shawn/ all right movie night second date it is well good night y/n
Y/n Good night Shawn and I'm glad we're having a second date
Shawn/ me too ummm can I hug you
Y/n yes
Shawn hugs you you wrap your arms around him he wraps his arms around you you guys hug for a split second then you walk to the door Shawn gets back in his car and you get to the door you open it and you see Shawn is still sitting in his car you're thinking in your mind oh my gosh he is the perfect gentleman you shut the door Shawn pulls off and you take off all your stuff put on your night clothes and lay down and think of the great night that you had
I hope you guys enjoy this video please give me a like and comment if you did I'm sorry it's kind of a weird one it's just with me right in my old imagines I don't want these imagines to be the same as the other ones so I'm trying to make different stuff so I hope this is OK with you guys but I hope you guys enjoy this if you did please let me know and thank you so much for reading💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️ and thank you guys for 804 readers I love you guys so much and I appreciate you all thank you

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