Christmas shopping

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you are  with your best friend Christmas shopping and you head go to the mall when you get there you  go to the Calvin Klein store to see if you can find anything for Shawn for Christmas
Best friend/ so is there any like type of clothing that you're looking for?
Y/n not really he has every damn thing in the store but I wanna try to see if they have anything new for the holidays
you walk around when you find a blue checkered flannel

Y/n oh my God he would look so good in this I'm getting it for him you get the shirt and find some pants to match it then you go and pay for it as you're walking out, your best friend nudges you to look forward you look forward to see the store Vi...

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Y/n oh my God he would look so good in this I'm getting it for him
you get the shirt and find some pants to match it then you go and pay for it as you're walking out, your best friend nudges you to look forward you look forward to see the store Victoria's Secret
Y/n why are you nudging me for
Best friend/ maybe you can go in there and find a hot sexy lingerie set for him
Y/n girl they don't sell anything for men there
Best friend/ no I'm talking about for you to wear for him
Y/n are you serious?
Best friend/ very
your best friend drags you into the store and you're looking you don't think you're gonna buy anything until you see the most sexy black lace lingerie you have ever seen

Y/n oh my God he would look so good in this I'm getting it for him you get the shirt and find some pants to match it then you go and pay for it as you're walking out, your best friend nudges you to look forward you look forward to see the store Vi...

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Y/n OK I'm not going to lie. This is super hot.
Best friend/ I agree you should get it
Y/n but what if it doesn't look good on me
Best friend/ did you seriously just say that it's gonna look amazing on you. Go try it on.
so you go try to find a worker so you can try it on you head to the dressing rooms and you put it on and you call your best friend come into the dressing room
Y/n I'm ready
your best friend walks in, and her mouth drops to the floor
Best friend/ oh my God that is so sexy holy shit
Y/n do you think he will like it?
Best friend/oh my God yes, get it. Get it right now or  I'm going to get it for you
Y/n ok ok
you change back into your clothes and you go check out with the lingerie
you get home from shopping and you're trying to sneak past Shawn but he catches you by the front door
Shawn/ hey baby I missed you
Y/n I missed you too now can you please go in the living room I have some Christmas presents that I need to bring in and you cannot see it yet
Shawn/ fine
he starts turning away, so you bring the bags in when he grabs your wrist and looks at the Victoria's Secret bag 
Shawn/ oooo what's this
Y/n Shawn I told you to go into the living room I'm not telling you what it is
Shawn/ well it being Victoria's Secret I can only think of one thing lingerie
Y/n that's not true it could be a pair of pajamas
Shawn/ sure whatever you say baby girl
Y/n look I love it when you call me baby girl and it gets me in the mood but not right now I need to go wrap these presents
Shawn/ may I help
Y/n no you may not what you can do though is stay in the living room. Continue what you're doing and I will be out to cuddle with you.
Shawn/ OK but by Christmas morning I better know what is in that Victoria's Secret bag
Y/n maybe or maybe not
Shawn/ oh you little
you kiss him and tell him to go in the living room and you head upstairs to wrap the presents
I hope you guys enjoyed this. I know this is a longer one but with the holidays coming around I've been trying to push holiday ideas and I hope you guys really enjoy this and you want more holiday stories❤️❤️❤️

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