Movie night

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You and Shawn are having a movie night with this family and you only been around Shawn's family a little bit like because you and Shawn only been dating for like two months and he just introduce you to his parents like a week ago and it's still a little uncomfortable you guys are watching scream
Karen/ y/n are you ready for this movie night
Y/n Yes ma'am I am
Karen/ oh come on y/n call me Karen
Y/n oh ok well I just didn't want to be awkward because we only met last week
Karen/ y/n I love you like your my own child I don't care if we met only a week ago like when I first met you last week I was like oh my gosh I'm gonna love this girl just like my son does
Y/n awwww thank you
Karen/ no problem honey
Shawn/ hey babe and mum we are back
Karen/ Hi honey
Karen walks over to Shawn kisses him on the cheek and hugs him
Manny/ what about me where's my kiss and hug
Karen/ Honey I live with you Shawn doesn't live with us anymore and I don't get to see him that often because he's either on tour where he's working on an album
Shawn / I know mum I know I wish I could be more around but I want my fans to be happy and I just feel like if I miss a day in the studio they're not gonna be happy
Manny/ Son you really didn't say that did you Your fans love you and your fans have begged you to take a break and hang out with y/n and she is a very nice girl and you need to spend more time with her
Y/n awww thank you sir
Manny/ y/n call me Manny
Y/n Oh ok like I just told Karen I didn't want it to be awkward if I just called you Karen and Manny
Manny/ Nonsense you're part of us now your part of this family now
Y/n aww thank you
Shawn/ We're just gonna be standing here are we going to watch the movie
Y/n ok OK Shawn can we watch the movie
you guys going to the living room after you popped popcorn and sat down and watch scream and you're starting to get cold and you want to cuddle with Shawn but you don't know how his parents is going to feel so you start to move around and Shawn feels that you're moving around because you're right beside him
Shawn/ baby what's wrong
Y/n I'm cold and I want to cuddle
Shawn/ ok then cuddle me
Y/n what what about your parents I don't wanna make them uncomfortable
Shawn/ I'll ask them
Y/n no Shawn don't
Shawn/ mum dad can y/n my baby girl cuddle me
Karen/ of course honey why did you even ask
Manny/ yeah you can cuddle with her
Shawn/ she just didn't want it to make it awkward between you guys and her
Karen/ y/n we already told you we don't mind you dating Shawn we love you so you can do whatever you want with Shawn as long as it's not sexual
Y/n ok
so you cuddle up to Shawn and you end up falling asleep
Shawn/ I love you baby
Karen/ why was she so nervous
Shawn/ I don't know I'm guessing she didn't want you guys to make a stop dating and maybe she thought that you guys would like her
Karen/ what kind of stupid thing is that like we love her as our own
Manny/ yeah I love Her and you guys make a great couple
Shawn/ thank you dad thank you mom well I should probably get her to bed
Karen/ yeah you should good night honey
Manny/ goodnight son
Shawn/ night guys
Shawn carries you up into your bed without waking you up and lays down with you and he ends up falling asleep
I hope you guys liked it if you did let me know and I'm better now so imagines every other day I love you guys 💕💕💕❤️❤️

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