Fake friends

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You are at your mom's hanging out until you get a text from your best friend
Bff/ so I hear you're talking shit
Y/n ummmmm what are you talking about
Bff/ I heard what you are saying about me
Y/n what have I been saying
Bff/ you're saying I'm a bitch I'm a whore that I sleep around my body count is higher than 50 Im fat I'm ugly all the stuff you have been saying behind my back
Y/n woah woah woah I never said anything like that I never would you're my best friend
Bff/ oh sure and you expect me to believe that
Y/n yes because I did. You are my best friend and I would never say anything like that.
Bff/ well I got told you said all the stuff
Y/n by who
Bff/ someone it doesn't matter who all I know is that you are not my best friend anymore
Y/n what do you mean
Bff/ I'm done y/n done
Y/n what do you mean you're done
Bff/ i'm blocking your number and you on social media and I don't wanna hear anything from you
Y/n what you can't be serious
Bff/ oh, but I am
Y/n whoever told you this is lying
Bff/ save it go to hell y/n
Y/n wait can you just let me talk for a second?
(Message wasn't sent)
Y/n helllooooooooooooo
(Message wasn't sent)
Y/n omg
Mom/ what is it sweetie
Y/n I just lost a friend. I have to go home and tell Shawn I can't do this by myself.
Mom/ sweetie wait
you drive on the way home and you are shaking crying because you can't believe what just happened. You pull in your driveway and run inside slam the door shut and just start crying.
Shawn/ babe you here
you can't answer all you can do is just cry
Shawn/ baby
Shawn comes down the steps and sees you crying her eyes out and he rushes to your side
Shawn/ omg baby what happened
Y/n I....... Can't..................
Shawn/ awww sweetie what
you can't say anything so just open your phone and show Shawn the messages
Shawn/ omg baby I'm so sorry
You can't say a word so you just hold onto Shawn and cry
Shawn/ it'll be okay it'll be okay and if we can't stop the bleeding we don't have to fix it
He sings to you for a lil while then you feel a lil better talking  about it
Y/n I just can't believe it's real
Shawn/ did she ever tell you who it was?
Y/n no and that's the thing that's the one thing that is upsetting she's saying I said all this stuff when I've never said anything like that in my entire life she's my best friend.
Shawn/ I know sweetie but if she's gonna believe some random person or a close friend of you guys then she's not the best person for you to be friends with
Y/n I know but it's sad because she was my best friend
Shawn/ I know sweetie but sometimes the people you think is your best friend they they turn out not to be
Y/n i know can you just hold me
Shawn/ of course baby
He holds you for a while then you go upstairs and change
Y/n thank you
Shawn/ for what love
Y/n for being there and helping me
Shawn/ of course baby
You kiss him and try to sleep but you can't and you just start crying again
Shawn/ baby
Y/n I'm sorry I woke you up
Shawn/ hey hey it's ok
He sits up and cuddles you
Shawn/ hey let's watch harry Potter and cuddle
Y/n thank you
You guys watch harry Potter until you fall asleep
Hey I hope you enjoy I know there was a lot of language but I hope you enjoy anyway 💞💞

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