Are you cheating on me

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you are on the couch watching breaking bad while waiting for your boyfriend Shawn  and it's 10 o'clock so you decide to text him
Y/n hey babe I just wanna let you know when you get home there's food in the refrigerator and I'm laying on the couch watching breaking bad. I might be asleep but I'm not entirely sure. I love you and be careful coming home.
You sent that message and you lay down and cover up and then you fall asleep and you wake up at four in the morning wondering where Shawn is at and you haven't heard from him so you decide to call him he didn't answer you, so you left a voice message
hey babe, it's me again I'm a little worried. It's four in the morning and you still haven't come home yet. I'm gonna go ahead and go upstairs. Love you good night. so you go upstairs and you wake up and it's 10 o'clock in the morning and still no sign of Shawn so you start freaking out you called about 100 times and he still didn't pick up now you're getting scared worried and frustrated so you text him
Y/n OK I'm worried and I'm scared because you didn't come home last night and I don't know what's going on. Please answer my phone I'm getting a little bit mad and I don't know what's going on.
so after you sent that message you sit on the couch patiently waiting for Shawn. Well you decided to go on Instagram and you see a picture of him and this girl you look closer at the picture and it's his ex camila so you are freaking out because you don't know what's going on and you're also very angry because when you and Shawn started talking he was broken up from her for a couple months and you guys were just talking as friends and he said that he was never going to go back to her and right now you're thinking that he's cheating on you because he hasn't been home all night and all day so it's about 1 o'clock and you decide to make lunch when you hear the door open
Shawn/ hey babe I'm finally home. Sorry I just got your messages. My phone died.
Y/n do you know what save it make yourself some lunch I'm going upstairs and I'm getting ready and I'm packing up
my stuff because I'm leaving
Shawn/ wait what I'm confused why are you leaving?
Y/n stop acting like you don't know Shawn
Shawn/ i'm not acting I literally just came home. I don't know what's going on
Y/n oh OK well then I guess you don't remember hanging out with Camila and everything like that
Shawn/what do you mean? I just had lunch with her because she wants me to to make a song with her for her album
Y/n oh, really, is that what you're going with
Shawn/yes because it's the truth
Y/n all right well, then explain to me why you've been gone all day and all night and haven't texted me. Haven't answered me didn't even call me and tell me that you're OK.
Shawn/ I told you my phone died and I was recording some songs I told you and I accidentally fell asleep writing in the studio
Y/n you couldn't have used it Andrews phone, Brian Connors, even
Shawn/no because they left I stayed at the studio by myself all night, working on music
Y/n look I don't believe you, so I'm just gonna go pack my stuff and leave
so you go upstairs and you start packing and Shawn comes in and sit on the bed and tries to talk to you
Shawn/ look I'm sorry
Y/n are you cheating on me?
Shawn/ what the hell kind of question is why would you think that?
Y/n oh I don't know because you were gone all night and you didn't text me and call me and tell me that you were OK and that you were safe so that makes me think that you were cheating on me
Shawn/ OK look I know I messed up OK I told you I was going to be at the studio I told you it wasn't going to be long but I didn't think I was gonna be in there all night. I'm sorry my phone died. I forgot my phone charger because I didn't think I was gonna be long and I am I'm sorry I'm not cheating on you. If you wanna look through my phone you can
you start to feel bad about accusing him of cheating on you, but you also feel hurt, but you are also understanding him but you don't know what to think at this very moment
Y/n look all I asked is for just a call or a text because I was seriously worried about you
Shawn/ and I understand that and if I knew I was going to be long I was gonna take my charger. I'm sorry that I worried you and no I'm not cheating on you. I've done told you you are the only girl that I love and will ever love.
you sit there on the bed, trying to figure out the next words to say when Shawn comes up and hugs you
Shawn/ i'm sorry for worrying you. I would have the same feeling if you did it to me I'm so sorry.
Y/n I'm sorry for everything I was just worried
Shawn/ I understand and again I would be the same exact way. If it was with you I should have brought my charger but I didn't think I was going to be that long in the studio but you know how I get when I get to the studio I sit there and I rack my brain until stuff comes up. I'm sorry that I worried you I could've use someone's phone but I didn't think about it. I'm sorry and with that picture with Camilla. She just wanted to have lunch with me to asked me to be on her album and that is it
Y/n I believe you I just feel bad now, because I yelled at you for no reason and you're not even cheating
Shawn/ it's OK I told you I would have the exact reaction if you were gone all night and all day I would think I was she's cheating on me but that is our thoughts getting to us and we don't need to let them get to us because that's what would happen you know I would never cheat on you and I know you would never cheat on me, but our brain is going to think that sometimes and it's OK
he says he still hugging you and you guys kiss and you apologize
Y/n can you forgive me for yelling at you
Shawn/ oh, I think I can find a couple ways to forgive you
Y/n oooo can I ask? What are those ways?
Shawn/ how about I just show you instead
you already know what happens lol but I hope you guys enjoyed this. I'm sorry it's been taking me a little bit to get back to it. I'm sorry I just keep forgetting. I have a book but yeah I hope you guys enjoy it.

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