I'm scared to lose you

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This imagine is about you being famous and Shawn's just a normal guy enjoy

You are doing a photoshoot and Shawn decided to come with you the photoshoot was with Trey Songz you were in his music video and you had to go to the photoshoot because it was photos for the album his working on while taking the picture's and you look over where Shawn was sitting and he looks pissed
Shawn's pov
I was at my girlfriends photoshoot and I'm so proud of her she's making her dreams come true she's Taking a picture with Trey all of a sudden I seen his arm go down to her butt I I got so jealous I was angry at her for letting him do that to her and here I am sitting here watching her have fun with him when she should be having fun with me why does he look better than me
photographer called cut and you put on your jacket and you go sit beside Shawn but when you go sit beside him he moves to the end of the couch
look at Shawn with a confuse look and you mouthed what's wrong he doesn't answer so you are starting to get worried Shawn gets up and goes to the snack table and you follow behind him you put your arm around him from behind but he jerks your hands away
Y/n baby what's wrong
Shawn/ nothing now go have fun with Trey
He says with rude tone as you were about to say something else the Photographer called you back to do just a couple more pictures before the day ended so it's 12 AM and you just finish your photo shoot with Trey you and Shawn are going  home the car ride was silent and you didn't like it normally Shawn has his hands on your leg or he's talking or blasting music but he's not so you can tell that there's something wrong with him you guys get home and Shawn goes straight upstairs without talking to you or looking at you
You don't know what Shawn is feeling but you are very worried about him because you love him and you just don't want him to feel the way he's feeling so you decide to go upstairs and see what's wrong with him
Y/n baby can I come in
Shawn/ whatever
You go into the bedroom and Shawn's already in bed
You lay down with him but he turns the opposite direction
Y/n Shawn what's wrong your not talking to me or Even looking at me what's up
Shawn/ how about you go ask Trey
Y/n what do you mean
Shawn/ y/n don't play dumb with me you know what I'm talking about
Y/n ummm no I don't
Shawn/ ok fine how about you let trey grab your ass
Y/n ohhhhhhh
Shawn/ yeah ohhhhh whatever I'm going to bed
Y/n Shawn look I'm sorry when he did that I was shocked I couldn't do anything because the photographer already took the picture I'm sorry Shawn
Shawn/ whatever your my girl not his
Y/n Shawn Im sorry what do I have to do for you to make it up to you
Shawn/ will you can kiss me
You kiss Shawn with so much passion
Shawn/ I'm sorry I got jealous it's just that I love you and I don't want to lose you
Y/n I know Shawn but no one and I mean no one will take me away from you Trey nobody ok I promise I love you
Shawn/ I love you to
Y/n you know your hot when your jealous
Shawn/ oh is that so
Y/n yes and it's turning me on
Shawn/ mmmm will let's do something about it
You guys start making out and you pull away while trying to catch your breath
Y/n man I might just have to get you jealous more often
Shawn/ don't push it
And I'm pretty sure you know what happens next I have you guys enjoyed it if you want more like this let me know I love you guys ❤️❤️❤️

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