Christmas Eve

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you are at your parents house, celebrating Christmas Eve because your boyfriend Shawn was working late in the studio
Your mom/ where's Shawn
Y/n he is at the studio running a little bit late. He said he might not come up here because he doesn't know how long he's gonna take.
Your mom/ awww ok we miss him
Y/n he's gonna be calling me in a little bit. I'll tell him that.
Your mom/ ok good
your other family starts showing up and you guys enjoy eating and opening presents when  Shawn Calls you
Shawn/ heyyyy baby
Y/n hey everybody misses you how are you doing at the studio?
Shawn/ I miss them too and I'm doing pretty good. I am doing a little bit more recording and then I will be home
Y/n OK well mom got us a present that's together and she told me not to open it until you were here so we will open it when I get home
Shawn/ OK hey look I'm gonna go ahead and go back and finish this so I can be home. I love you and I hope you're having fun.
Y/n I love you too and I am and OK bye
you get off the phone and go back to your family and then you go home and take Tarzan out to the bathroom and sit on the couch and wait for Shawn
Shawn/ baby I'm home
you run up to him and hug  him and get a big old kiss
Y/n heyyy you ready to open the present mom got us
Shawn/ yes just let me change and I will be out
he goes to the bedroom and he comes back and matching pajamas that matches with you
Y/n awww baby
Shawn/ what
Y/n you chose the matching pair
Shawn/ I told you I like matching with you
he sits on the couch and you open the present that your mom got you and it's a blender pots and pans and a picture of you and Shawn  that you guys took on your first date
Y/n awwww I love it
Shawn/ me too
you guys sit there talk to each other for a little bit and then Shawn ask
Shawn/ do you want to drink some hot chocolate and watch elf?
Y/n oh my God yes
you guys go into the kitchen make hot chocolate come back sit down with Tarzan and watch elf you fall asleep, and Shawn whispers
Shawn/ merry Christmas baby
he kisses you on the forehead and goes to sleep
I hope you guys enjoyed this. I'm sorry I have not been uploading. I forgot a lot of stuff happened and everything so I forgot but I hope this makes up for it.💜💜

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