Christmas tree shopping

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You and Shawn are looking for a Christmas tree
Y/n ohhhhh Shawn look at this one
Shawn/ yea it looks good
Y/n Shawn what's wrong
Shawn/ nothing
Y/n Shawn I know you so what's wrong
Shawn/ I may or may not get you Christmas presents
Y/n Shawn I thought we weren't doing Christmas for us
Shawn/ I lied about that sorry
Y/n but why
Shawn/ because your my queen and you deserve everything in the world
Y/n awwwww Shawn I love you I hate you but I love you
Shawn/ why do you hate me
Y/n because you got Christmas presents and I didn't get anything for you
Shawn/ baby you don't have to get me anything your my gift and I have the best gift in the world
Y/n awwwww I love you
You guys kiss
Y/n I'm still getting you something
Shawn/ I kinda Figured hahaha
You guys walk around a lil more until you see a tree you really like
Y/n awwwww Shawn
Shawn/ wow that is a nice tree
Y/n can we get it
Shawn/ yes
Shawn cuts down the tree
Y/n you're really strong
Shawn/ yup and it's all yours
Y/n good because I'm not sharing
You guys get home and put the tree up and decorated it
I hope you guys enjoy love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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