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You are with  shawn and he's doing a photo shoot for Calvin Klein  and he gets ready and comes up to you
Shawn/ hey babe Are you liking this
Y/n yes
Shawn kisses you and. the director tell Shawn
is time to start
You're sitting there, and looking at you're man. while he's getting in position when the door opens and here's his photographer beautiful blonde hair, thin pretty so, of course you get jealous, so she's in the middle of telling Shawn what position she wants him in when you butt in
Y/n baby you look amazing
Shawn/ thank you baby
The photographer sees this and starts talking to Shawn again. so it's been an hour in the photo shoot, and you don't like her, she keeps touching Shawn, I mean, you know, that's her job, but you just don't like it. She's telling Shawn where to go where to sit, and you were just all around jealous, and you don't wanna be there anymore  so you decided to go to the bathroom while you go to the bathroom, Shawn's trying to find you
Shawn/ hey has anyone seen my girlfriend y/n
Everybody said no, so Shawn goes and looks for you. When he passes the bathroom door, he hears you crying
Shawn/ baby
Y/n umm yes
Shawn/ are you ok
Y/n yea of course go back to you're photoshoot
Sean doesn't believe you so he tells you to open the door and you open it tears in your eyes
Shawn/ awww baby what's wrong
Y/n. nothing I'm fine, I just have something in my eye
Shawn/ baby I have been dating you for two years now I know when you're not ok so what's wrong
Y/n fine if you really wanna know so bad I'm jealous OK yeah I'm jealous
Shawn/ baby why are you jealous
Y/n oh I don't know Shawn maybe because you're in your underwear almost naked and a girl is taking your pictures that's not me
Shawn/ wait so you're jealous of my photographer
Y/n Yes
Shawn/ why are you jealous you don't have to be jealous
Y/n yes I do Shawn because again you're almost naked and a girl that is not me is taking your pictures of course I'm a be jealous and she's beautiful she's got blonde hair and I don't know
Shawn/ wait what do you mean
Y/n Shawn is not that hard after the end of this photo shoot you're going to go home with her
Shawn/ what makes you think that
Y/n I don't know
Shawn/ OK just because a girl is taking pictures of me and my underwear doesn't mean that I'm going to date her or it doesn't mean that I'm gonna go home with her and yeah I get that you're jealous but you don't have to be jealous because you see me like this all the time heck we even take showers together so why are you jealous
Y/n I don't know I'm just afraid that I'm gonna lose you
Shawn/ Baby You're not gonna lose me Because you are my rock you are my world I can never imagine my life without you like you are amazing and just the most amazing girl ever And I love you and I will love you til the day I die and you are just amazing and I just love you so much and I cannot believe that you're with me like you could have any other guy out here and you chose me so if anyone should be jealous it's me because I don't wanna lose you neither and I get that you're jealous and I have to admit it's kind of cute when you're jealous but you don't got to be jealous because no matter what I'm gonna come home with you and I'm gonna lay down with you
Y/n awww I love you
Shawn/ I love you How about this after this I will give you a show when we get home And you can even take pictures of me you know without my underwear
Y/n oh Shawn wow
Shawn/ what do you say
Y/n yes I love you so much
Shawn/ I love you too now let's go back so I can finish this so we can go home and you know
Shawn picks you up and places you on the couch while the photographer is looking at you guys Shawn kisses you and goes back and then you know what happens ♥️♥️♥️
I hope you guys enjoy this  please let me know and again I know I said this but thank you so much for 2K like you guys are so amazing I love you thank you ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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