Are you cheating on me

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Shawn's in the shower and your watching you favorite show and you hear Shawn's phone go off
Y/n Shawn honey your phones going off
He didn't hear you so you yell again
He still didn't hear you so you look at his phone and you see texts from a person that you don't know
Person/ hey is everything set
Shawn/ yeah just don't tell y/n she can't know
Person/ ok got it bye
Shawn/ bye
You feel anger and you feel sad you hear the shower turn off that's mean Shawn's done  you put the phone done and act like you didn't do anything
Shawn/ hey babe
Y/n yep
Shawn/ what's wrong
Y/n oh nothing
Shawn/ are you sure
Y/n actually no Shawn I'm not
Shawn/ what's wrong baby
Y/n well let's see mmm your phone went off and I yelled for you but you didn't hear me so I looked and I saw a text message saying oh is everything set yeah just don't tell y/n she can't know
Shawn/ baby let me explain
Y/n no Shawn your cheating on me I'm going to my moms to stay I can't believe you would do this to me
You go up to your room and pack
Shawn/ hey hey baby stop let me explain
Y/n Shawn's there is nothing to explain your cheating on me
You say crying
Shawn/ if you will stop I'll tell you
Y/n no Shawn stop
You get your clothes and your mom comes and picks you up
Shawns pov omg I just lost the love of my life ok so what's the text meant was I was going to take y/n to dinner movie and then we were going to come home and watch the sunset and when the sun said it was down I was going to propose to her I need to go by her mom so I can tell her the truth I really didn't want it to happen this way I didn't want to be proposing now but that's the only thing she's going to believe me so I drive to her moms house and I knock on the door
Urmom/ I'm coming
She opens the door to see Shawn
Urmom/ oh it's you why are you here
Shawn/ look I made a big mistake
Urmom/ yeah you cheated on my daughter
Shawn/ no miss I didn't can I talk to her
Urmom/ yeah but I'm gonna be right here while you're talking to her
Shawn/ ok that's fine
Your mom yells  for you and you go to the door and you see Shawn you immediately felt tears raging up in your eyes
Y/n what do you want
Shawn/ look you got it all wrong I am not cheating on you end it if you would let me can I please explain
Y/n I guess
Shawn/ OK so that was Derek he owns a restaurant and I was asking him if I can have the whole restaurant to myself because I wanted to do something special
Y/n then why didn't you say derek
Shawn/ I don't know but here's the plan I was going to take you out to dinner and we were going to watch a movie at our house and watch the sunset and I was going to do this
You look at Sean confused and he gets down on one knee and he pulls out a ring
Shawn/ i'm not cheating on you this is what I was going to do I was gonna do this because I love you so much and I can't live without you you are my best friend you are basically family to me and you've always have to do it every time I'm down and every time I have a bad day at work or I get sad because I'm on tour and you always bring my spirit up no matter if I'm sad and I just love you for that is there for me no matter if I try to push you away you're always there and I can't believe that you think that I was cheating on you like I could not imagine cheating on the one person that is making me the better person than I am today and I would never cheat on you if I did I would not forgive myself because you are my world my rock my everything and I just love you and I'm asking you will you marry me
You are crying so hard
Y/n yes of course
Shawn gets up and puts the ring on your finger and you guys kiss
Y/n omg I'm so sorry I accuse you of cheating it's just when I read those messages that was one thing going through my head
Shawn/ I know I would have reacted the same way as you and I probably should've told you but I wanted to be special
Y/n Shawn whatever time I'm around you it's special but you didn't have to do all that just to propose to me like you know I would've said yes because I love you so much
Shawn/ I know I love you to
Y/n I love you
You guys kiss and you went home with your new fiancé
I hope you guys like it I love you guys and thank you for 845 readers I'm so grateful for you guys I love you and thank you for reading 💕💕💕💕💕💕

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