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you have been working day and night for the past few weeks every day and you're just so stress and you just wanna go home and you want to lay down and sleep but when you walk in the house she see the house is spotless and food on the table and you see Shawn standing there with an apron on
Shawn/ heyyy baby are you hungry
Y/n omg Shawn did you do all of this
Shawn/ yes I knew you would come home stressed and I wanted to surprise you
Y/n Shawn I love you so much but you didn't have to do this
Shawn/ I know that but I just I just wanted to because I love you and you deserve it come on let's eat
you guys sit at the table and eat the delicious food Shawn has prepared and just talked about your day and Shawn trying to help you with your stress and it's actually kind of working but you still feel stressed
Y/n thank you baby that was amazing
Shawn/ thank you baby now let's get you a bath
Shawn prepares the bath  for you and gets in with you after you guys do that you're putting on your clothes and then Shawn comes behind you
Shawn/ leave your shirt off
Y/n why
Shawn/ because I'm going to give you a massage
Y/n awww baby you don't have to do that
Shawn: baby I'm going to say this as nice as I can shut up hahah I'm going to give you a massage rather you like it or not now please lay down
You Do what Shawn says and you lay down and he starts  he starts rubbing your back
Shawn/ how does this feel
Y/n amazing
Shawn continues to rub your back and putting lotion on it and then he goes up to your shoulders then he goes down to your lower back
Shawn/ I love you I feel so bad that your stressed but I hope I can help you relieve some stress
Y/n now you know how it feels when you come home stressed
Shawn/ I know and you help me through it sometimes you don't have to do anything for me you just have to be right beside me and I just want you to feel amazing and not stressed because your my girl and I don't want you to feel like this
Y/n I know Shawn and I'm so grateful to have you and I love you
Shawn/ I love you to
Shawn finishes at your massage and lays down next to you and cuddles you
Shawn/ how do you feel baby and be honest
Y/n I'll feel a lot better if you kiss me
Shawn/ you don't have to tell me twice
you and Shawn kiss passionately and Shawn pause away
Y/n baby
Shawn/ yes babygirl
Y/n can I lay on your chest
Shawn/ of course baby you know you can always lay on me you don't even have to ask
you lay on Shawn's chest and you start feeling a little tired
Shawn/ are you feeling better
Y/n yes I am thank you so much for taking care of me I love you
Shawn/ you're welcome baby I'd do anything for you I love you you should sleep
Y/n ok but please don't leave
Shawn/ baby I would never leave you when you wake up I'll be in the same spot you left me in ok
Y/n ok i love you
Shawn/ I love you goodnight
Y/n goodnight
You fell asleep in the Shawn's arm and you wake up feeling amazing
I hope you guys enjoy this if you did it please tell me in the comments if you want more like this  but I just really hope you like this and I really really really really really love you guys and thank you for sticking around ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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