Haunted house

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You and Shawn are going to a haunted house you are not really a horror fan but Shawn is
Shawn/ baby you ready
Y/n kinda
Shawn/ what's wrong
Y/n well I'm nervous because I'm not a big horror fan and I'm just scared
Shawn/ awww baby we don't have to go if you don't want to
Y/n no I want to I'm just nervous
Shawn/ can I tell you something
Y/n yea
Shawn/ I was scared to for my first haunted house
Y/n really
Shawn/ yea but we don't have to go
Y/n I want to
Shawn/ you sure
Y/n yea because you'll be there with me
Shawn/ yes I will
You guys go to the haunted house
Shawn/ so how was it babe
Y/n it was actually fun
Shawn/ really
Y/n yes thank you for being there and kept me safe
Shawn/ aww you're welcome baby and thank you for going
Y/n you're welcome
Shawn/ so what do you want to do now
Y/n how about we go home put our pj's on and watch harry Potter
Shawn/ I would love that and I love you
Y/n I love you too
You guys kiss and then head home to watch harry Potter
I hope you guys enjoy 💕💕💕💕

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