Snow dayyy

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You are asleep when you feel someone jumping
Y/n what are you doing
Shawn/ jumping duh
Y/n well I see that but why
Shawn/ weeee gotttt snowww
Y/n okay great now leave me alone
Shawn/ but babyyyyyyyyyyy
Y/n whattttttttt
Shawn/ I want to play in it
Y/n well go play in it
Shawn/ I want to play in it with youuuuuuuuuuuu
Y/n Shawn I don't want to go out in it
Shawn/ pleaseeeeeee
Y/n no
Shawn/ pleaseeeeeeee
Y/n why
Shawn/ because it's fun
Y/n what's so fun about being cold
Shawn/ well after we can cuddle and drink hot chocolate and watch harry Potter
Y/n we can do that without being in the snow
Shawn/ it's not the same
Y/n ok
Shawn / so will you go
Y/n mmmmmm no
Shawn/ daddy says get up and play in the snow with him
Y/n wow when did you became Dominant
Shawn/ well I do when daddy's little girl doesn't listen
Y/n okay daddy
Shawn/ please let's go play in the snow
Y/n you really want to
Shawn/ yes
Y/n ok fine I'll go with you
Shawn/ yayyyyyy lets go
You and Shawn play in the snow for hours
Y/n okay I will admit it was fun but can we go back inside
Shawn/ yes
You and Shawn go inside and get hot chocolate and sit on the couch
Shawn/ I love you
Y/n I love you
You and Shawn lay down and watch harry Potter until Shawn sees you falling asleep
Shawn/ are you tired baby
Y/n a little
Shawn/ will go to sleep
Y/n ok
Shawn whispers in your ear
Shawn/ thank you for playing in the snow and thank you for being daddy's baby girl
Y/n I love you daddy
I hope you enjoy 💗💗💗

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