Make him jealous

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So your at a club with your ex boyfriend he ask if you guys can work it out you said yeah what stupid Idea that was he's dancing on girls and flirting with them you get sick of it so you go to the bar
Y/n may I have vodka on the rocks please
Man/ of course
Shawn/ wow
Y/n what
Shawn/ it's just that I have never heard a girl as beautiful as you order that
Y/n well I need something strong
Shawn/ why bad day
Y/n no just my ex
Shawn Looks on the dance floor and see your ex and points
Shawn/ is that your ex
Y/n yeah he texted me saying he wants to work things out and of course I said yes I'm so stupid
Shawn/ hey don't say that about yourself I know I don't know you but your a pretty woman and a pretty woman doesn't say that about themselves
Y/n aww thanks
Shawn/ you're welcome
you guys talk for a little bit until Shawn says
Shawn/ hey let's make him jealous
Y/n how are we going to do that
Shawn/ I'll show you
Shawn takes you to the dance floor and starts dancing
Shawn/ dance on me
Y/n are you sure
Shawn/ yes
So you start dancing on Shawn and he puts his hands on you and your ex sees this and hes coming your way
Ex/ who is this
Shawn/ she's a beautiful woman who doesn't need a jerk
Y/n please leave
Your ex Yells and leaves you alone and you thanked Shawn
Y/n thank you
Shawn/ you're welcome hey can I get your number can can I take you on a real date if you don't mind
Y/n no I don't mind
You give Shawn your number and you leave the bar and couple of days later you went on your date with Shawn and had a great time
I hope you guys enjoyed that let me know if you did and if you have any requests and if you want a imagine of your own just DM me and I'll make you one thank you so much for reading I love you guys ❤️❤️❤️ and thank you for 833 readers I love you and I'm sorry this is kinda short ❤️❤️❤️

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