Tour rehearsals

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You are with Shawn at tour rehearsals
Shawn/ guys I think it should be like this
Shawn playing a melody on the guitar
Y/n Wow baby you sound amazing
Shawn/ thank you baby
Shawn kisses you
Shawn/ thank you for being here
Y/n I'm always going to be here
Shawn looks a little down
Y/n baby what's wrong
Shawn/ I'm nervous
Y/n nervous about what
Shawn/ about the tour with covid and everything
Y/n baby it's okay we are going to be okay I promise
Shawn/ I know I'm just nervous
Y/n I know but you got this it's going to be OK we're going to be safe and everybody's going to be safe
Shawn/ how did I get so lucky
Y/n I ask myself that everyday
You kiss Shawn
Shawn/ thank you I love you
Y/n I love you too
Shawn goes back to play the guitar and you sit there admiring him
I hope you guys enjoy this i know it's kinda short but I'm having a hard time coming up with imagines ❤️

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