Christmas tree shopping

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You and Shawn are going Christmas tree shopping
Shawn/ baby you ready to get a tree
Y/n yes I'm so excited
You gets walk hand in hand down the trail where the trees were at
Y/n oooo babe look at this one
Shawn/ wow
You guys continue down the trail until you see a tree that you want
Y/n babyyyyyyyyy I want that one
Shawn/ are you sure
Y/n yes
Shawn cuts down the tree and you guys go pay and you get back in the car and drive home
Y/n oooo can we decorate the tree now
Shawn/ yes
You get the lights and the bulbs and put them on the tree
Y/n babe
Shawn/ yes my love
Y/n awwww I love it when you call me that
Shawn/ I know now what did you need
Y/n can you put the angel? On the tree please
Shawn/ or I could do this
Shawn puts you on his shoulders and you put the angel on the tree
Y/n thank you babe
Shawn/ my pleasure
You guys hug while looking at the tree
Y/n I love you so much
Shawn/ I love you to
Y/n can we bake cookies and watch the Grinch
Shawn/ of course baby I would love that
Y/n really
Shawn/ yeah I love doing things like that with you
Y/n awwww
you guys bake cookies and watch the Grinch and fall asleep
I hope you guys enjoy this. I'm sorry it took me a little while. I honestly forgot. I had a story on here lol. 🖤🖤🖤

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