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You and your husband Shawn are expecting your first baby  and it's a girl. and you guys are so excited, and today is the baby shower, Shawn's side of the family is  coming, and you're side of the family is coming you and Shawn show up a little early, and you're feeling a little bit queasy, so you sit down and Shawn notices this, so he comes and checks on you
Shawn/ baby are you ok
Y/n yea just a lil queasy nothing new
Shawn rubs you're tummy
Shawn/ baby girl, please be good for mommy please
Shawn talking to your stomach makes you feel warm inside and happy
Y/n I love you you know that
Shawn/ of course and I love you
You guys kiss, then the guests show  up  you and Shawn sit in 2 chairs in front of everybody about to open your gifts. You open your gifts and you are so happy and every time you see a dress every time you see a onesie, you show Shawn and you're like, oh my gosh, this is so cute, so you guys finish opening your gifts and now it's food time, you get a plate and you sit down and Shawn  gets a plate  and he sits down with you then Shawn mother sits down
Karen/ how are you sweetie
Y/n oh I'm good thank you for checking on me
Karen/ of course sweetie
Shawn/ can you stay with y/n  for a week, because I'm doing this festival, not that far out of town  but with her being pregnant, and she can't sit in a car for too long because she gets sick, so can you please stay at our house and watch over her please
Y/n Shawn baby I'm ok I promise
Shawn/ I know you are, but I would feel more comfortable if my mother would stay with you, because I can't be there, and I don't want you to get up in the middle of the night and fall or something
Y/n Shawn that's not going to happen
Karen/ yes, Shawn I'll stay with her, hey, we can watch movies together y/n
Y/n ohhh yea ok maybe this isn't going to be a bad idea
Shawn / see I told you
Y/n shut up
You sit there for a little bit, and then all the guests leave, and you tell them thanks for coming you and Sean go home and relax on the couch
Shawn/ thank you
Y/n thank you for what
Shawn/ for putting up with me and having a baby with me, and just marrying me, and just making me the happiest man alive, like I seriously cannot thank you enough
Y/n awww Shawn I love you
Shawn/ I love you
You guys kiss all of a sudden the baby kicks
Y/n Ahhhh
Shawn/ what are you ok
Y/n yea she's just kicking me
You grabbed Shawn  hand and  place it on your belly and he feels the baby kick
Shawn/ wow that's amazing
Y/n I know right
You sit there for a little bit longer, you cuddle back up to Shawn and your eyes get droopy
Shawn/ hey we should probably go to bed
Y/n I'm good right here
Shawn/ baby  come on, the couch is not comfortable for you, and the baby let's go lay down on the bed
Shawn picks you up, carries  you up stairs and lays you in bed, he takes his shirt off then his pants, leaving him in his underwear
Y/n man my baby sexy
Shawn/ are you talking about me of yourself
Y/n haha
Shawn kisses you, it starts to get heated, but you pull away from him
Y/n what about the baby stuff
Shawn/ I'll get it tomorrow
He goes back to kissing you, and then you know what happens next lol
I hope you guys enjoy this, if you did, please let me know and sorry for not uploading that much it's just my life has been crazy. So, yeah, thank you so much for reading and I love you❤️❤️❤️

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